
6 Dec 2022


Echoes of Sounds and Radio

Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna, and Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Sana Salous, Durham University, UK

24 Nov 2022 25 Nov 2022


COSY 2022

Bologna, Italy

1st IFAC Workshop on Control of Complex Systems

7 Nov 2022


Open-Source Hardware for Heterogeneous Computing

Room 5.6, School of Engineering, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna

The seminar will be given by Luca Carloni, Professor, Columbia University, USA

14 Oct 2022


Feedback system analysis: back to the future

Room 0.2, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna

The seminar will be given by Rodolphe Sepulchre, Professor, University of Cambridge, UK

29 Sep 2022


Supply-modulated power amplifier systems for 5G and Space

Room 3.4, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna

The seminar will be given by Dr. Olof Bengtsson, Head of RF Power Lab, Ferdinand-Braun Institut - Berlin, Germany, as part of the course "High Frequency Electronic Circuits M."

23 Sep 2022


Nanoscale FinFET Technology for Circuit Designers

Room 1.4, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna and online on Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Dr. Alvin Loke, Fellow, NXP Semiconductors

6 Jun 2022


Fundamentals of ESD and Latch-up device physics and implications for optimum ESD Design

Room 2.6, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna, and online on Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Gianluca Boselli, Manager of the Corporate ESD and Spice Modeling Teams, Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, as part of the course "Industrial Trends in Electronics M"

6 Jun 2022


Silicon Lifecycle Management: Challenges & Opportunities

Room 2.7A, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna, and online on Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Yervant Zorian, President, Synopsys Armenia, Fellow & Chief Architect, Synopsys Inc., as part of the course "Industrial Trends in Electronics M"

6 Jun 2022


Future trends in eMobility: from innovative solutions to the largest worldwide V2G project

Room 1.3, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna, and online on Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Driss Madouch, Innovation Manager, Free2Move e-solutions, as part fo the courses "Power Electronic Converters" and "Power Electronic Circuits"

1 Jun 2022


Functional Safety as per ISO26262

Room 5.4, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna, and online on Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Emilio Comignaghi, Maserati, as part of the course "Automatic Control M"

31 May 2022


Power Semiconductor Devices and Circuits

Online - Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Niels Posthuma, Matteo Borga, and Olga Syshchyk, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium

30 May 2022


Dependable High Performance Multiprocessor Silicon for Autonomous Systems

Room 2.7A, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna, and online on Microsoft Teams

The seminar will be given by Riccardo Locatelli, Functional Safety Architect and Team Manager, Intel Corporation, as part of the course "Industrial Trends in Electronics M"