Health and safety

Information on risks, correct behaviour and emergency management in the main places of study, work and research of the Department and of the University.

Information on risks


Emergency management


Smoking ban

In the University of Bologna it is forbidden to smoke in all closed rooms of the University. The smoking ban also extends to the use of so-called “electronic cigarettes” and cigarettes with tobacco heating systems.

For university facilities in hospital areas, the measures issued by health authorities apply.

Local Responsibles for Safety

  • Fabrizio Palmieri

    D cat. - technical, scientific and data processing area

    DEI - Unità di laboratorio LAB1

    Viale Risorgimento 2

    Bologna (BO)

    Tel: +39 051 20 9 3489

  • Mauro Zanuccoli

    D cat. - technical, scientific and data processing area

    DEI - Unità di laboratorio Informatica

    Via dell'Università 50

    Cesena (FC)

    Tel: +39 0547 339538