Adjunct Professors
Massimo Andretta
Adjunct professor
Risk assessment, Environmental physics, Environmental chemistry, Study and modeling of odorous impacts, Archeometry,
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physical models, novel device concepts, nanometric FETs, numerical device simulation, quantum computing
Demetrio Budrojannis
Adjunct professor
Federico Burnelli
Adjunct professor
Marco Carati
Adjunct professor
Automatic machines, Packaging machines, Injection molding, Compression molding, Stretch Blow Molding, Mold for plastic,
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Multi-phase Drives, Matrix converters, Multilevel converters, Renewable Energy, Field oriented control of ac machines,
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Telemanipulation, Mobile robotics, Dual arm manipulation, Machine learning
Federico Contro
Adjunct professor
Marco Corvo
Adjunct professor
Johannes De Bie
Adjunct professor
Matteo De Pamphilis
Adjunct professor
Michele Ferrari
Adjunct professor
Silvia Ferrari
Adjunct professor