Seminar: 4G Distributed Antenna Systems - The best answer to fast growing traffic demands

The seminar will be given by Cecilia Bersani, Head of the System Engineering Team, Teko Telecom S.p.A., Italy, as part of the course "Trends in Communications."

  • Date: 02 December 2016 from 14:00 to 17:00

  • Event location: Room 5.7, School of Engineering and Architecture, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna

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About the speaker

Cecilia Bersani received her Bachelor and Master degree Magna cum Laude in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy in 2005 and 2007 respectively. Her background is in the research of LTE systems and MIMO techniques. As the Head of the System Engineering Team in Teko JMA she has 8 years of experience in the design of in-building solutions and large venue systems (stadiums, airports, complex buildings etc.) and coverage of deprived areas.



Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) consist of multiple distributed nodes, connected to a centralized BTS hotel. In DAS due to the short distance between the antennas and the users, the radiated power is very low and the quality of the link is extremely good, allowing high-speed services. DAS result from customers’ needs to expand their network coverage in areas where traditional wireless tower sites are not an option and allow wireless service providers to deliver the coverage and capacity they need while balancing community aesthetic demands and zoning requirements.

By properly shaping the Outdoor coverage (oDAS) and dimensioning the dedicated Indoor systems (iDAS) it is possible to serve growing hotspots in capacity-driven networks. Furthermore, DAS are future-proof, indeed they are easily upgradeable to new technologies, bands, operators and sectors increase.