Seminar: Design and deployment of E-government applications and services

The seminar will be given by Dr. Kussai Shahin, Lepida S.p.A., Italy, as part of the course "Trends in Communications".

  • Date: 07 October 2016 from 14:00 to 17:00

  • Event location: Room 3.4, School of Engineering and Architecture, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna


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About the speaker

Dr. Kussai Shahin received the Dr. Ing. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico of Torino, Italy, and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Computer Science from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1992 and 1996, respectively. He joined ASTER in 1996 where he participated, as IT expert, to several European projects in ICT and Innovation, becoming later the responsible of ICT Area and member of the Management Board of ASTER, until 2008. Dr. Shahin joined Lepida SpA in 2008 where he held the role of CTO, Director of Networks Division and he is currently the Director of the Services Division and Manager for the design, development and management of E-government services for all the Public Administrations of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy). Dr. Shahin’s specific activities deal with enabling ICT platforms, applications and services for Digital Public Administrations in coherence with the Digital Agenda of Europe. Dr. Shahin is also responsible for Lepida’s international activities and plays a key role in Lepida’s European Projects.



E-Government supports administrative processes, improves the quality of the services and increases internal public sector efficiency. Digital public services reduce administrative burden on businesses and citizens by making their interactions with public administrations faster and efficient, more convenient and transparent, and less costly. The seminar will focus on overview of challenges and opportunities regarding design and deployment of E-gov applications and services.