Seminar: Location-aware communication and communication-aware localization for 5G

The seminar will be given by Prof. Henk Wymeersh, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

  • Date: 18 September 2015 from 10:00 to 12:00

  • Event location: Room 5.5, School of Engineering and Architecture, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna

Contact Name:

Contact Phone: +39 0547 339223


5G will likely include a shift towards higher frequencies, towards massively higher number of antennas, and towards device-to-device communication. While these technological shifts are meant to satisfy several of the requirements of 5G networks (in terms of rate, density, coverage, latency, and overheads), they also have an unexpected side-effect: preliminary studies have revealed that the 5G technologies have the potential to provide high-precision location and orientation information. This leads to the possibility of a more tight integration between positioning and communication. In this presentation, we will first present two sides of this: the use of 5G for positioning and orientation estimation, and the use of position information for improving 5G communication. In the final part of the presentation, we dig deeper into the fundamental trade-off between communication delay and localization accuracy.

About the speaker

Henk Wymeersch is an Associate Professor with the Department of Signals and Systems at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He is also affiliated with the FORCE research center on fiber-optic communication, and is the PI of COOPNET, an ERC project on cooperative networks. Prior to joining Chalmers, he was a postdoctoral researcher from 2005 until 2009 with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Henk Wymeersch obtained the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering/Applied sciences in 2005 from Ghent University, Belgium. He served as Associate Editor for IEEE Communication Letters (2009-2013), IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2013-present), and the Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (2011-present).