All publications

All publications since 2004

  • Simoni L.; Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C., Life models for insulating materials in combined-stress conditions, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (IEEE ICPADM), Piscataway, New Jersey, IEEE, 1994, 2, pp. 827 - 832 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (IEEE ICPADM), Brisbane (Australia), 3-8 luglio 1994) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C.; Simoni L., Multistress endurance characterization of EPR cable models, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Piscataway, New Jersey, IEEE, 1994, pp. 264 - 268 (atti di: IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, U.S.A), giugno 1994) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

  • Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C.; Simoni L.; Gubanski S.M., Life surface inference for endurance characterization of pet specimens in multi-stress conditions, in: Proceedings of 1994 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Piscataway, New Jersey, IEEE, 1994, pp. 675 - 680 (atti di: 1994 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Arlington (Texas, U.S.A.), 23-26 ottobre 1994) [Contribution to conference proceedings]