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All publications since 2004
Bellini, A.; Filippetti, F.; Franceschini, G.; Tassoni, C.; Kliman, G.B., Quantitative evaluation of induction motor broken bars by means of electrical signature analysis, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS», 2001, 37, pp. 1248 - 1255 [Scientific article]
Testi D.; Cappello A.; Chiari L.; Viceconti M.; Gnudi S., Comparison of logistic and Bayesian classifiers for evaluating the risk of femoral neck fracture in osteoporotic patients, «MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING», 2001, 39, pp. 633 - 637 [Scientific article]
Costantini A.; Vannini G.; Filicori F.; Santarelli A., A CAD tool for the small-signall stability analysis of MMIC power amplifiers, «ALTA FREQUENZA - RIVISTA DI ELETTRONICA», 2001, 13, pp. 40 - 44 [Scientific article]
Bianco P.; Donati Guerrieri S.; Ghione G.; Pirola M.; Naldi C.U.; Florian C.; Vannini G.; Santarelli A.; Filicori F.; Manfredi L., Optimum design of a new predistortion scheme for high linearity k-band MMIC power amplifiers, «MICROWAVE ENGINEERING EUROPE», 2001, DEC/JAN, pp. 51 - 55 [Scientific article]
Dissado L.A.; Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C., Elemental strain and trapped space charge in thermoelectrical aging of insulating materials Part 1: Elemental strain under thermo-electrical-mechanical stress, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2001, 8, pp. 959 - 965 [Scientific article]
Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C.; Dissado L.A., Elemental strain and trapped space charge in thermoelectrical aging of insulating materials. Life modeling, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2001, 8, pp. 966 - 971 [Scientific article]
Montanari G.C.; Mazzanti G.; Palmieri F.; Motori A.; Perego G.; Serra S., Space-charge trapping and conduction in LDPE, HDPE and XLPE, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D. APPLIED PHYSICS», 2001, 34, pp. 2902 - 2911 [Scientific article]
Barbiroli M.; Carciofi C.; Fraschetta M.; Rubini G.; Violanti S., Analysis of the environmental factors for microcellular systems in urban areas, «RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY», 2001, 97, pp. 391 - 394 [Scientific article]
Fabiani D.; Montanari G.C., The effect of voltage distortion on ageing acceleration of insulation systems under partial discharge activity, «IEEE ELECTRICAL INSULATION MAGAZINE», 2001, 17, pp. 24 - 33 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gnani E.; Reggiani S.; Colle R.; Rudan M., Calculation of transport parameters of SiO2 polymorphs, «VLSI DESIGN», 2001, 13, pp. 311 - 315 [Scientific article]
Bertoni A.; Bordone P.; Brunetti R.; Jacoboni C.; Reggiani S., Numerical simulation of quantum logic gates based on quantum wires, «VLSI DESIGN», 2001, 13, pp. 97 - 102 [Scientific article]
Dell'Amico M.; Lodi A.; Martello S., Efficient algorithms and codes for k-cardinality assignment problems, «DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2001, 110, pp. 25 - 40 [Scientific article]
Fischetti M.; Lodi A.; Martello S.; Toth P., A polyhedral approach to simplified crew scheduling and vehicle scheduling problems, «MANAGEMENT SCIENCE», 2001, 47, pp. 833 - 850 [Scientific article]
Severi S.; Cavalcanti S.; Mancini E.; Santoro A., Heart rate response to hemodialysis-induced changes in potassium and calcium levels, «JN. JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY», 2001, 14, pp. 488 - 496 [Scientific article]