All publications
All publications since 2004
Montanari, GIAN CARLO; Fabiani, Davide; Palmieri, Fabrizio; Kaempfer, D.; Thomann, R.; Mulhaupt, R., Modification of electrical properties and performance of EVA and PP insulation through nanostructuration by organophilic silicates, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2004, 11, pp. 754 - 762 [Scientific article]
B., Siciliano; A., DE LUCA; Melchiorri, Claudio; G., Casalino, Advances in Control of Articulated and Mobile Robots, MUNICH, Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 450 (STAR). [Research monograph]
F. LOTTI; P. TIEZZI; G. VASSURA; L. BIAGIOTTI; MELCHIORRI C., UBH 3: an Anthropomorphic Hand with Simplified Endo-Skeletal Structure and Soft Continuous Fingerpads, in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'04, New Orleans,, NEW ORLEANS, IEEE, 2004(atti di: IEEE ICRA'04,, New Orleans,, April 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. C. Montanari; G. Mazzanti; F. Ciani; M. Paajanen, Effect of gas expansion on charging behavior of piezoelectric cellular PP, in: IEEE, Atti della 2004 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (IEEE CEIDP 2004), PISCATWAY, NEW JERSEY, IEEE, 2004, pp. 153 - 157 (atti di: 2004 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (IEEE CEIDP 2004), Boulder, Colorado (USA), 17-20 Ottobre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
J. M. Cazeaux; M. Omaña; C. Metra, Low-Area On-Chip Circuit for Jitter Measurement in a Phase-Locked Loop, in: Proceedings 10th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, LOS ALAMITOS, C. Metra, R. Leveugle, M. Nicolaidis, J. Teixeira, 2004, pp. 17 - 22 (atti di: 10th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, Madeira, Portugal, 12-14 luglio 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
N. Barin;C. Fiegna;D. Esseni;E. Sangiorgi, Evaluation of ultra-thin double gate MOSFET for the 45 nm technology node, in: Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices XII, PENNINGTON, NJ, Electrochemical Society, 2004, pp. 45 - 50 (atti di: 207th ECS Meeting - Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices XII, Quebec City, Canada, May 15-20) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Ursino; E. Magosso; E. Gardella; G. Rubboli ; C.A. Tassinari., A wavelet based analysis of energy redistribution in scalp EEG during epileptic seizures, in: Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC 2004, PISCATAWAY, IEEE EMBS and Omnipress, 2004, pp. 255 - 258 (atti di: 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC 2004, San Francisco, California, September 1-5 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C.Buratti; A.Giorgetti; R.Verdone, Simulation of an Energy Efficient Carrier Sensing Multiple Access Protocol for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks, in: IEEE Int. Work. on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (IWWAN2004), PISCATAWAY, IEEE, 2004, pp. 325 - 329 (atti di: IEEE Int. Work. on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (IWWAN2004), Oulu, Finland, June 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ursino, Mauro, Uso dei modelli interpretativi nell’elaborazione dei segnali biologici, in: S. CERUTTI; C. MARCHESI, Metodi avanzati di elaborazione dei segnali biomedici, BOLOGNA, Patron, 2004, pp. 125 - 143 [Chapter or essay]
Callegati, Franco; M., Casoni; Raffaelli, Carla, TCP/IP Performance over Optical Networks, in: M. HASSAN; R. JAIN, High Performance TCP/IP Networking, UPPER SADDLE RIVER, NJ, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004, pp. 185 - 205 (Pearson education) [Chapter or essay]
Bogliolo, A.; Benini, Luca; Lattanzi, E.; DE MICHELI, G., Specification and analysis of power-managed systems, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE», 2004, 92, pp. 1308 - 1346 [Scientific article]
Menichelli, F.; Benini, Luca; Olivieri, M., A Class of Code Compression Schemes for Reducing Power Consumption in Embedded Microprocessor Systems, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS», 2004, 53, pp. 467 - 482 [Scientific article]
Benini, Luca; Bruni, D.; Macii, A.; Macii, E., Memory Energy Minimization by Data Compression: Algorithms, Architectures and Implementation, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS», 2004, 12, pp. 255 - 268 [Scientific article]
Marchal, P.; Gomez, J.; Bruni, D.; Benini, Luca; Pinuel, L.; Catthoor, F., Integrated task-scheduling and data-assignment to enable SDRAM power/performance trade-offs in dynamic applications, «IEEE DESIGN & TEST OF COMPUTERS», 2004, 21, pp. 378 - 387 [Scientific article]
Bertozzi, Davide; Benini, Luca, Xpipes: a network-on-chip architecture for gigascale systems-on-chip, «IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE», 2004, 4, pp. 18 - 31 [Scientific article]
Bisdounis, L.; Dre, C.; Blionas, S.; Metafas, D.; Tatsaki, A.; Ieromnimon, F.; Macii, E.; Rouzet, P.; Zafalon, R.; Benini, Luca, Low-Power System-on-Chip Architecture for Wireless LANs, «IEE PROCEEDINGS. COMPUTERS AND DIGITAL TECHNIQUES», 2004, 151, pp. 2 - 15 [Scientific article]
Ye, T.; Benini, Luca; DE MICHELI, G., Packetization and Routing Analysis of on-chip multiprocessor networks, «JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE», 2004, 50, pp. 81 - 104 [Scientific article]
BORGHI C. A.; CARRARO M. R.; CRISTOFOLINI A., Numerical Solution of the Nonlinear Electrodynamics in MHD Regimes with Magnetic Reynolds Number Near One, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS», 2004, 40, pp. 593 - 596 [Scientific article]
Nucci, CARLO ALBERTO; Borghetti, Alberto, Strumenti e nuove esigenze per il ripristino del servizio dopo il blackout, «ENERGIA», 2004, 25, pp. 30 - 39 [Scientific article]
Borghetti, Alberto; Gutierrez, J. A.; Nucci, CARLO ALBERTO; Paolone, Mario; Petrache, E.; Rachidi, F., Lightning-induced voltages on complex distribution systems: models, advanced software tools and experimental validation, «JOURNAL OF ELECTROSTATICS», 2004, 60, pp. 163 - 174 [Scientific article]