All publications
All publications since 2004
C. Corsi; R. M. Lang; F. Veronesi; L. Weinert; E. G. Caiani; P. MacEneaney; C. Lamberti; V. Mor-Avi, Volumetric quantification of global and regional left ventricular function from real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic images, «CIRCULATION», 2005, 112, pp. 1161 - 1170 [Scientific article]
C. Corsi; C. Lamberti; O. Catalano; P. MacEneaney; D. Bardo; R. M. Lang; E. G. Caiani; V. Mor-Avi, Improved Quantification of Left Ventricular Volumes and Mass Based On Endocardial and Epicardial Surface Detection From Cardiac MR Images Using Level Set Models, «JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE», 2005, 7(3), pp. 595 - 602 [Scientific article]
A. Sarti; C. Corsi; C. Lamberti, PDEs based segmentation of real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: theory and application, in: Medical Imaging Systems: Technology & Applications, SINGAPORE, World Scientific Publishing, 2005, pp. 157 - 181 [Chapter or essay]
P. Babighian;L. Benini;E. Macii, A Scalable Algorithm for RTL Insertion of Gated Clocks based on Observability Don't Cares Computation, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS», 2005, 24, pp. 29 - 42 [Scientific article]
P. Babighian;L. Benini;A. Macii;E. Macii, Low-Overhead State-Retaining Elements for Low-Leakage MTCMOS Design, in: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 367 - 370 (atti di: The 15th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, Chicago, USA, April 17-19, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
K. Patel;L. Benini;E. Macii;M. Poncino, Energy-Efficient Value-Based Selective Refresh for Embedded DRAMs, in: INTEGRATED CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM DESIGN: POWER AND TIMING MODELING, OPTIMIZATION AND SIMULATION, Berlin, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2005, 3728, pp. 466 - 476 (atti di: 15th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, Leuven, Belgium, September 21-23, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C. Corsi; E.G. Caiani; O. Catalano; S. Antonaci; G. Moro; C. Lamberti; F. Cobelli, Semi-automated quantification of right ventricular volumes on cardiac magnetic resonance images: comparison with conventional manual tracings, in: Proceedings of EuroCMR 2005, s.l, s.n, 2005, P96, pp. 34 - 34 (atti di: EuroCMR, Zurich, Switzerland, May 26-28, 2005) [Abstract]
E. Magosso; M. Ursino, A theoretical study of the transient and steady-state cardiorespiratory response to exercise, in: M. URSINO C.A. BREBBIA G. PONTRELLI E. MAGOSSO, Modelling in Medicine and Biology VI, SOUTHAMPTON, WIT Press, 2005, pp. 17 - 26 (WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health) [Chapter or essay]
M. Ursino; G.E. La Cara; L. Carozza, An integrate and fire neural network to simulate epileptic patterns in intracortical EEG, in: M. URSINO C.A. BREBBIA G. PONTRELLI E. MAGOSSO, Modelling in Medicine and Biology VI, SOUTHAMPTON, WIT Press, 2005, pp. 193 - 202 (WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health) [Chapter or essay]
C.Gamberini; M.Carboni; F.Bonafe'; I.Basile; C.Muscari; E.Giordano; C.Guarnieri; C.M.Caldarera, COMPARISON BETWEEN THE EXPRESSION OF NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE ISOFORMS IN HUMAN ENDOTHELIAL PROGENITOR CELLS AND HUVEC, in: CLAUDIO M. CALDARERA, XII Congresso Nazionale della Societa' italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari, BOLOGNA, CLUEB, 2005(atti di: XII Congresso Nazionale della Societa' italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari, Imola (BO), 22-24 settembre 2005) [Abstract]
T. Q.S. Quek; D. Dardari; M. Z. Win, UWB Transmitted Reference Signaling Schemes - Part I: Performance Analysis, in: IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICU 2005), PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE, 2005, pp. 587 - 592 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICU 2005), Zurich, Switzerland, Sep. 5-8, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Zavaglia; E. Magosso; L. Astolfi; F. Babiloni; M. Ursino, A model of power spectral density in cortical EEG, for the study of cortical connectivity, in: M. URSINO C.A. BREBBIA G. PONTRELLI E. MAGOSSO, Modelling in Medicine and Biology VI, SOUTHAMPTON, WIT Press, 2005, pp. 203 - 212 (WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health) [Chapter or essay]
E. Magosso; M. Ursino; L. Colì; L. Bolondi; S. Stefoni., A new mathematical model for bilirubin kinetics during MARS sessions, in: null, «ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 2005, 29, pp. 767 - 767 (atti di: 2005 ESAO-IFAO Joint Congress, Bologna, 5-8 october 2005) [Abstract]
A. Ferrero; C. Muscas; L. Peretto; R. Tinarelli, Gestione dei sistemi elettrici in presenza di generazione da fonti rinnovabili: criteri decisionali basati su misure incerte, «EIDOS», 2005, 2, pp. 70 - 76 [Scientific article]
M. Loghi;M. Letis;M. Poncino;L. Benini, Exploring the Energy Efficiency of Cache Coherence Protocols in Single-Chip Multi-Processors, in: Proceedings of ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), s.l, s.n, 2005(atti di: ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Chicago, Usa, April 17-19, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
C.Muscari; E.Giordano; F.Bonafe'; C.Penna; W.Parisi (Comitato organizzatore), XII Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari (SIRC) - 22-24 settembre 2005 - Teatro dell’Osservanza – Imola (BO), 2005, pp. 144 . [Editorship]
T. Q.S. Quek; D. Dardari; M. Z. Win, UWB Transmitted Reference Signaling Schemes - Part II: Narrowband interference Analysis, in: IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICU 2005), PISCATAWAY, NJ, IEEE, 2005, pp. 593 - 598 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICU 2005), Zurich, Switzerland, Sep. 5-8, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Roversi; A. Conti; D. Dardari; O. Andrisano, A WEB-based Architecture Enabling Cooperative Telemeasurements, in: 2005 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications Distributed Cooperative Laboratories - Issues in Networking, Instrumentation and Measurements, s.l, n.s., 2005(atti di: 2005 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications Distributed Cooperative Laboratories, Sorrento, Italy, July 4-6, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Peretto; S. Rapuano; M. Riccio; D. Bonatti, A Distance Learning System for Measurement Experiments, in: Proc. of 14th IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium on New Technologies in Measurement and Instrumentation and 10th Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 543 - 548 (atti di: International Symposium on New Technologies in Measurement and Instrumentation and 10th Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing (14th IMEKO TC-4), Gdynia/Jurata, Poland, September, 12-15) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Conti; D. Dardari; C. Buratti; D. Sangiorgi; R. Verdone, Impact of contention based MAC on the performance of a wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring, in: Proceeedings of the Second European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, s.l, s.n, 2005, Jan 2005, pp. 400 - 404 (atti di: Proceeedings of the Second European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, Instanbul, Turkey, Jan 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]