All publications
All publications since 2004
Iorio, P.; Pasini, Alice; Pracucci, A.; Giordano, EMANUELE DOMENICO; Cavalcanti, S.; Cerasoli, S.; Guarnieri, Carlo; Guiducci, G.; Cremonini, A. M.; Bianchi, E.; Frattarelli, M., Studio della metilazione del promotore di EMP3 in oligodendrogliomi di grado II., in: Rivista Medica (2007), TRENTO, new Magazine edizioni s.r.l., 2007, 13; suppl. 2, pp. 39 - 39 (atti di: XII Congresso AINO - Associazione Italiana di Neuro-Oncologia, Lecce, Italia, 30 Settembre - 3 Ottobre 2007) [Abstract]
C. Ferri; T. Moreshet; R. I. Bahar; L. Benini; M. Herlihy, A hardware/software framework for supporting transactional memory in a MPSoC environment, «COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE NEWS», 2007, 35, Special Issue: DASCMP'06, pp. 47 - 54 [Scientific article]
A. Gnudi; D. Guermandi; P. Tortori; E. Franchi; E. Temporiti; I. Bietti, Reconfigurable VCOs and Synthesizers, in: 2007 IEEE MTT-S International Mirowave Symposium, workshop: Wireless Reconfigurable Terminals, HONOLULU, s.n, 2007, pp. WSB-4-1 - WSB-4-19 (atti di: 2007 IEEE MTT-S International Mirowave Symposium, workshop: Wireless Reconfigurable Terminals, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 3-8 giugno 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
U. Reggiani; L. Sandrolini, Proprietà elettriche di compositi conduttivi, in: Atti della XXIII Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori di Elettrotecnica, FIRENZE, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2007, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: XXIII Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori di Elettrotecnica, Firenze, Italia, 27-30 Giugno 2007) [Abstract]
L. Bertozzi; R. Stagni; S. Fantozzi; A. Cappello, Valutazione in-vivo del contatto tibio-femorale durante la salita/discesa da gradino e l’alzata/seduta dalla sedia, in: Proceedings of SIAMOC, s.l, SIAMOC, 2007, pp. 77 - 77 (atti di: SIAMOC 2007, Cuneo, 24-27 Ottobre 2007) [Abstract]
Lucente G.; Montanari M.; Rossi C., Hybrid Optimal Control of an Automated Manual Transmission System, in: Proceedings of Nolcos 2007, s.l, s.n, 2007, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2007), Pretoria, South Africa, 22-24 August 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
R. Baldacci; M. Boschetti, A Cutting Plane Approach for the Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Non Guillotine Cutting Stock Problem, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2007, 183, pp. 1136 - 1149 [Scientific article]
P. A. Traverso; G. Pasini; A. Raffo; D. Mirri; G. Iuculano; F. Filicori, On the use of the Discrete-Time Convolution Model for the compensation of non-idealities within digital acquisition channels, «MEASUREMENT», 2007, 40, pp. 527 - 536 [Scientific article]
G. Marro; E. Zattoni, Finite Impulse Response Systems for Almost Perfect Decoupling in Nonminimum-Phase Plants, in: -, Applications of Time-Delay Systems, BERLIN - HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2007, pp. 285 - 299 (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol. 352, ISSN: 0170-8643) [Chapter or essay]
Giovanni E. Corazza, Digital Satellite Communications, NEW YORK, Springer, 2007, pp. 535 (Information Technology: Transmission, Processing, and Storage). [Research monograph]
L. Bertacco; M. Fischetti; A. Lodi, A Feasibility Pump heuristic for general Mixed-Integer Problems, «DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION», 2007, 4, pp. 63 - 76 [Scientific article]
A. Caprara; L. Kroon; M. Monaci; M. Peeters; P. Toth, Passenger Railway Optimization, in: C. BARNHART; G. LAPORTE, Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Transportation, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2007, pp. 129 - 187 (Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science) [Chapter or essay]
G. Medoro; R. Guerrieri; N Manaresi; C Nastruzzi; R Gambari, Lab-on-a-chip for live cell manipulation, «IEEE DESIGN & TEST OF COMPUTERS», 2007, 24, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2007, pp. 26 - 36 [Scientific article]
S. Vecchietti; E. Grandi; S. Severi; I. Rivolta; C. Napolitano; S. G. Priori; S. Cavalcanti., In silico assessment of Y1795C and Y1795H SCN5A mutations. Implication for inherited arrhythmogenic syndrome, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY. HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY», 2007, 292, pp. H56 - H65 [Scientific article]
C. Metra; D. Rossi; TM Mak, Won't On-Chip Clock Calibration Guarantee Performance Boost and Product Quality?, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS», 2007, 56, pp. 415 - 428 [Scientific article]
R. Verdone; A. Zanella, On the Effect of User Mobility in Mobile Radio Systems with Distributed DCA, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY», 2007, 56, pp. 874 - 887 [Scientific article]
E. Zattoni, Decoupling of measurable signals via self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces: minimal unassignable dynamics of feedforward units for prestabilized systems, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL», 2007, 52 January 2007, pp. 140 - 143 [Scientific article]
M. Fischetti; A. Lodi, Repairing MIP Infeasibility through Local Branching, «COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 2007, 35, pp. 1436 - 1445 [Scientific article]
M. Fischetti; A. Lodi, Optimizing over the first Chvatal closure, «MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING», 2007, 110, pp. 3 - 20 [Scientific article]
T. Q. S. Quek; D. Dardari; M. Z. Win, Energy effciency of dense wireless sensor networks: To cooperate or not to cooperate, «IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS», 2007, 25, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]