All publications
All publications since 2004
P. Colantonio; F. Giannini; R. Giofrè; M. C. Montieri; P. Baccarelli; P. Burghignoli; F. Frezza; A. Galli; P. Lampariello; S. Paulotto; G. Valerio; R. Vescovo; V. Camarchia; G. Ghione; C. Naldi; M. Pirola; A. Santarelli; R. Cignani; F. Fantini; C. Florian; G. Manara; P. Nepa; G. Pelosi; S. Selleri, Antenne Integrate Attive per Terminali Mobili ad Alta Efficienza, in: XIII Giornata di Studio sull’Ingegneria delle Microonde, “Progettazione e sviluppo di moderni sistemi di antenna” - Contributi, SALERNO, Università degli Studi di Salerno, 2007, pp. 85 - 88 (atti di: XIII Giornata di Studio sull’Ingegneria delle Microonde, “Progettazione e sviluppo di moderni sistemi di antenna” - ElEm07, Fisciano (Salerno), 14-15 Maggio 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Resca; A. Santarelli; A. Raffo; R. Cignani; G. Vannini; F. Filicori, EM-based Parasitic Elements Identification For Scalable Electron Device Modeling, in: Proc. of 31th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - WOCSDICE07, PADOVA, Univ. Of Padova, Dep. Of Information Engineering, 2007, pp. 187 - 190 (atti di: 31th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits - WOCSDICE07, Venezia, ITALY, 20-23 Maggio 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Raffo; A. Santarelli; P. A. Traverso; G. Vannini; F. Filicori, Electron Device Model Parameter Identification Through Large-Signal-Predictive Small-Signal-Based Error Functions, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES», 2007, 55, pp. 1997 - 2005 [Scientific article]
G. Palli; L. Biagiotti; C. Melchiorri, An Open Source Distributed Platform for the Control of the PUMA 560 Manipulator, in: Proc. 9th Real Time Linux Workshop, LINZ, s.n, 2007, pp. 205 - 210 (atti di: 9th Real Time Linux Workshop, Linz, Austria, November 2-4, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Resca; A. Santarelli; A. Raffo; R. Cignani; G. Vannini; F. Filicori, Scalable Equivalent Circuit PHEMT modelling using an EM-based parasitic network description, in: Proc. of 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference - EuMIC2007, LONDON, Horizon House, 2007, pp. 60 - 63 (atti di: 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference - EuMIC2007, Munich, Germany, Oct 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Di Giacomo; A. Santarelli; F. Filicori; A. Raffo; G.Vannini; R. Aubry; C. Gaquière, Low-Frequency Dynamic Drain Current Modeling in AlGaN-GaN HEMTs, in: Proc. of 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference - EuMIC2007, LONDON, Horizon House, 2007, pp. 68 - 71 (atti di: 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference - EuMIC2007, Munich, Germany, Oct 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
F. Fantini; R. Cignani; A. Santarelli, HB Analysis of Injection Locked Oscillators using commercial CAD tools, in: Proc. of 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference - EuMIC2007, LONDON, Horizon House, 2007, pp. 1177 - 1180 (atti di: 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuit Conference - EuMIC2007, Munich, Germany, Oct 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Raffo; A. Santarelli; P.A. Traverso; G. Vannini; F.Filicori, Nonlinear characterization and modelling of microwave power FETs affected by low-frequency dispersive effects, in: Workshop Notes of European Microwave Week 2007, WSW6: “Advanced Nonlinear and Power Characterization of Microwave Devices and Systems (TARGET)”, LONDON, Horizon House, 2007, pp. - - - (atti di: Workshop of European Microwave Week 2007, WSW6: “Advanced Nonlinear and Power Characterization of Microwave Devices and Systems (TARGET)”, Munich, Oct 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Dell'Amico; M. Monaci; C. Pagani; D. Vigo, Heuristic Approaches for the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, «TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE», 2007, 41, pp. 516 - 526 [Scientific article]
F. Lombardi; C. Metra, Guest Editors' Introduction: The State of the Art in Nanoscale CAD, «IEEE DESIGN & TEST OF COMPUTERS», 2007, 24, pp. 302 - 303 [Scientific article]
D. Resca; A. Santarelli; A. Raffo; G. Vannini; R. Cignani; F. Filicori; V. Di Giacomo; D. Schreurs; C. Gaquière; F. Medjoub; M. Pagani, Electron Device Modelling for Millimeter-Wave Wideband Wireless Systems, in: Proc. of Target Days, ROMA, Aracne Editrice srl, 2007, pp. 7 - 12 (atti di: Target Days 2007 - Annual meeting of the Europena Network of Excellence TARGET (VIFP), Frascati (Roma), Dec 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
I. Melczarsky; D. Resca; F. Filicori; A. Santarelli; G. Vannini, A generalized CAD interface for nonlinear dynamic electron device models, in: Proc. of Target Days 2007, ROMA, Aracne Editrice srl, 2007, pp. 61 - 66 (atti di: Target Days 2007 - Annual Meeting of the UE Network of Excellence TARGET (VIFP), Frascati, Italy, Dec 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Colantonio; F. Giannini; R. Giofrè; C. Montieri; P. Baccarelli; P. Burghignoli; F. Frezza; A. Galli; P. Lampariello; S. Paulotto; G. Valerio; R. Vescovo; V. Camarchia; G. Ghione; C. Naldi; M. Pirola; A. Santarelli; R. Cignani; F. Fantini; C. Florian; G. Manara; P. Nepa; G. Pelosi; S. Selleri, Active Integrated Antennas for Efficient Mobile Terminals, in: Proc. of 11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2007), ROMA, Aracne Editrice srl, 2007, pp. 625 - 629 (atti di: 11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2007), Frascati, Italy, 17-21 Dec 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Santarelli; D. Resca; A. Raffo; V. Di Giacomo; P. A. Traverso; G. Vannini; F. Filicori, Optimal function approximation for empirical look-up-table device models (invited), in: Proc. of 11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2007), ROMA, Aracne Editrice srl, 2007, pp. 107 - 110 (atti di: 11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2007), Frascati, Italy, 17-21 Dec 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Florian C.; Traverso P. A.; Vannini G.; Filicori F.;, Design of Low Phase Noise Dielectric Resonator Oscillators with GaInP HBT devices exploiting a Non-Linear Noise Model, in: 2007 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Piscataway, IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, «IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM DIGEST», 2007, 2007, pp. 1525 - 1528 (atti di: IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 3-8 Giugno 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
X. Ma; J. Huang; C. Metra; F. Lombardi, Reversible and Testable Circuits for Molecular QCA Design, in: MOHAMMAD TEHRANIPOOR, Frontiers in Electronic Testing, NORWELL, MA, Springer US, 2007, pp. 157 - 202 [Chapter or essay]
L Peretto; J. Willems; A.E. Emanuel, The Effect of the Integration Interval on the Measurement Accuracy of RMS Values and Powers in Systems with Nonsinusoidal Waveforms, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS», 2007, XIII, pp. 113 - 119 [Scientific article]
Andria G.; Baccigalupi A.; Borsic M.; Carbone P.; Daponte P.; De Capua C.; Ferrero A.; Grimaldi D.; Liccardo A.; Locci N.; Lanzolla A.M.L.; Macii D.; Muscas C.; Peretto L.; Petri D.; Rapuano S.; Riccio M.; Salicone S.; Stefani F, Remote Didactic Laboratory “G. Savastano,” The Italian Experience for E-Learning at the Technical Universities in the Field of Electrical and Electronic Measurements: Overview on Didactic Experiments, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT», 2007, 56, pp. 1135 - 1147 [Scientific article]
Andria G.; Baccigalupi A.; Borsic M.; Carbone P.; Daponte P.; De Capua C.; Ferrero A.; Grimaldi D.; Liccardo A.; Locci N.; Lanzolla A.M.L.; Macii D.; Muscas C.; Peretto L.; Petri D.; Rapuano S.; Riccio M.; Salicone S.; Stefani F, Remote Didactic Laboratory “G. Savastano,” The Italian Experience for E-Learning at the Technical Universities in the Field of Electrical and Electronic Measurement: Architecture and Optimization of the Communication Performance Based on Thin Client Technology, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT», 2007, 56, pp. 1124 - 1134 [Scientific article]
L. Peretto; P. Rinaldi; C. Duri, A System for the Measurement of the Temperature Dependence Performances of Quartz Oscillators: a Study of the Analytical Model of the Failure Rate, in: IEEE, Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, s.l, s.n, 2007, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2007 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Varsavia, 1-3 Maggio) [Contribution to conference proceedings]