All publications
All publications since 2004
J. Artigas; C. Preusche; G. Hirzinger; G. Borghesan; C. Melchiorri, Bilateral Energy Transfer for high fidelity Haptic Telemanipulation, in: Proceedings of the 2009 WorldHaptics Conf., BOSTON, Lynette Jones, 2009, 1, pp. 200 - 205 (atti di: WorldHaptics Conference 2009, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, March 18-20, 2009.) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
P. Kim; G.E. Corazza; R. Pedone; M. Villanti; A. Vanelli-Coralli; D. Chang; D. Oh, Robust frame synchronization for the DVB-S2 system with large frequency offsets, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING», 2009, 27, pp. 35 - 52 [Scientific article]
Ursino M.; Magosso E.; Cuppini C., Recognition of abstract objects via neural oscillators: interaction among topological organization, associative memory and gamma band synchronization., «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS», 2009, 20, pp. 316 - 335 [Scientific article]
M.C. Bisi ; R. Stagni; H. Houdjik; G. Gnudi, Energetics of movement: a whole body application of an energetic muscle model in unilateral leg press using a hybrid dynamic approach, in: Proceedings ISPGR 2009, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: ISPGR 2009, Bologna, 21-25 Giugno 2009) [Abstract]
M.C. Bisi; R. Stagni; G. Gnudi, SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF AN ENERGETIC MUSCLE MODEL APPLIED AT WHOLE BODY LEVEL IN RECUMBENT CYCLING, in: Proceedings ICCB2009, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: ICCB 2009, Bertinoro (Forlì), 16-18 Settembre 2009) [Abstract]
Bertozzi L.; Stagni R.; Fantozzi S.; Cappello A., In-vivo estimation of the forces at the cruciate ligaments during step up/down motor task, in: Proceedings ISPGR 2009, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: ISPGR 2009, Bologna, 21-25 Giugno 2009) [Abstract]
Bertozzi L.; Stagni R.; Fantozzi S.; Cappello A., Subject-specific tibio-femoral contact estimation during step up/down motor task, in: Proceedings ICCB 2009, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: ICCB 2009, Bertinoro (FC), 16-18 Settembre 2009) [Abstract]
L. TERSI; R. STAGNI; S. FANTOZZI; A. CAPPELLO, 3D Jonits kinematics with fluoroscopy: algorithm optimization, in: Proceedings ICCB 2009, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: ICCB 2009, Bertinoro (FC), 16-18 Settembre 2009) [Abstract]
A. Caprara; E. Malaguti; P. Toth, A Service Design Problem for a Railway Network, in: Proceedings of the International Network Optimization Conference 2009 (INOC 2009), PISA, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: International Network Optimization Conference 2009 (INOC 2009), Pisa, 26-29 Aprile 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
V. Cacchiani; A. Caprara; P. Toth, Non-cyclic Train Timetabling and Comparability Graphs, in: Proceedings of the International Network Optimization Conference 2009 (INOC 2009), PISA, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: International Network Optimization Conference 2009 (INOC 2009), Pisa, 26-29 Aprile 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
N. Testoni; L. De Marchi; N. Speciale; G. Masetti, Non-minimum phase iterative deconvolution of ultrasound images, in: IFMBE Proceedings 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (ECIFMBE 2008), BERLIN, Springer-Verlag, 2009, 22, pp. 664 - 668 (atti di: 4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (ECIFMBE 2008), Antwerp, Belgium, 23-27 November 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
E.Malaguti; M.Monaci; P.Toth, Models and Heuristic Algorithms for a Weighted Vertex Coloring Problem, «JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS», 2009, 15, pp. 503 - 526 [Scientific article]
D. Resca; A. Raffo; A. Santarelli; G. Vannini; F. Filicori, Scalable Equivalent Circuit FET Model for MMIC Design Identified Through FW-EM-Analyses, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES», 2009, 57, pp. 245 - 253 [Scientific article]
R. P. Paganelli; A. Golfarelli; A. Romani; M. Magi; M. Tartagni, A Method based on Scattering Parameters for Model Identification of Piezoactuators with Applications in Colloidal Suspensions Monitoring, in: AISEM2009 - XIV Annual Conference - Book of Abstracts, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 175 - 176 (atti di: XIV Congresso Annuale Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi, Pavia, 24-26 Febbraio 2009) [Abstract]
A. Romani; C. Tamburini; R. P. Paganelli; A. Golfarelli; R. Codeluppi; M. Dini; E. Sangiorgi; M. Tartagni, Actively Controlled Power Conversion Techniques for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Applications, in: AISEM 2009 - Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi - XIV Congresso Annuale - Book of abstracts, s.l, s.n, 2009, pp. 161 - 162 (atti di: XIV Congresso Annuale Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi, Pavia, 24-26 Febbraio 2009) [Abstract]
A. Cedraro; A. Cappello; L. Chiari, A portable system for in-situ re-calibration of force platforms: experimental validation, «GAIT & POSTURE», 2009, 29 (3), pp. 449 - 453 [Scientific article]
D. Giansanti; M. Dozza; L. Chiari; G. Maccioni; A. Cappello, Energetic assessment of trunk postural modifications induced by a wearable audio-biofeedback system, «MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS», 2009, 31 (1), pp. 48 - 54 [Scientific article]
M. Pirini; L. Rocchi; M. Sensi; L. Chiari, A computational modelling approach to investigate different targets in deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE», 2009, 26 (1), pp. 91 - 107 [Scientific article]
A. Macchelli; C. Melchiorri, A Formal Method for Improving the Transient Behavior of a Nonlinear Flexible Link, in: Proceedings of the 6th Vienna International Conference on MathematicalModelling (MATHMOD 2009), VIENNA, ARGESIM / ASIM, 2009, pp. 934 - 942 (atti di: 6th Vienna International Conference on MathematicalModelling (MATHMOD 2009), Vienna, 11-13 Febbraio 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Morandi; S. Imparato, A DC-operating resistive-type superconducting fault current limiter for AC applications, «SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY», 2009, 22, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]