All publications
All publications since 2004
A. Necci; G. Antonioni; V. Cozzani; A. Borghetti; C.A. Nucci, Risk assessment of accidents induced by lightning strike on storage tanks, in: Proceedings of 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, 2012, 7, pp. 5369 - 5378 (atti di: 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, Helsinki (SF), June 25-29, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gritli Y.; Rossi C.; Casadei D.; Zarri L.; Filippetti F., Demagnetizations diagnosis for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors based on advanced Wavelet Analysis, in: Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2012 XXth International Conference on, 2012, pp. 2397 - 2403 (atti di: Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2012 XXth International Conference on, Marseille (F), 2-5 Sept. 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Rossi C.; Casadei D.;Tani A.; Subramanian; C., Improved control strategy of wind turbine with DFIG for Low Voltage Ride Through capability, in: Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2012 International Symposium on, 2012, pp. 19 - 24 (atti di: Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2012 International Symposium on, Sorrento, 20-22 June 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marco Chiani, MIMO Systems for Diversity and Interference Mitigation, in: Mobile communications handbook, Boca Raton, FL, Taylor & Francis, 2012, pp. 293 - 312 [Chapter or essay]
Pasini A; Bonafè F; Fiumana E; Guarnieri C; Morselli PG; Oranges CM; Caldarera CM; Muscari C; Giordano E, Impact of CpG methylation in addressing adipose-derived stem cell differentiation towards the cardiac phenotype, in: Epigenomics. From chromatin biology to therapeutics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 134 - 145 [Chapter or essay]
S. Simani; P. Castaldi; A. Tilli, Data–driven Modelling of a Wind Turbine Benchmark for Fault Diagnosis Application, «TRANSACTION ON CONTROL AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS», 2012, 1, pp. 278 - 289 [Scientific article]
Marco Chiani, High-Throughput MIMO Systems, in: Mobile Communications Handbook, Boca Raton, FL, Taylor & Francis, 2012, pp. 313 - 332 [Chapter or essay]
Matteo Mazzotti; Simone Moretti; Marco Chiani, Multiuser Resource Allocation with Adaptive Modulation and LDPC Coding for Heterogeneous Traffic in OFDMA Downlink, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS», 2012, 60, pp. 2915 - 2925 [Scientific article]
Wesley M. Gifford;Andrea Conti;Marco Chiani;Moe Z. Win, On the SNR Penalties of Ideal and Non-ideal Subset Diversity Systems, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY», 2012, 58, pp. 3708 - 3724 [Scientific article]
A. Zanella;M. Chiani, Reduced Complexity Power Allocation Strategies for MIMO Systems With Singular Value Decomposition, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY», 2012, 61, pp. 4031 - 4041 [Scientific article]
E. Zattoni, Measurable signal decoupling with quadratic stability in continuous-time linear switching systems, in: Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2012), 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Technical University of Denmark, 2012, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 10th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2012), Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, November 8-9, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Filippo Di Cecca;Gennaro Gallinaro;Emanuele Tirro;Claudio Campa;Stefano Cioni;Piero Angeletti;E. Alberto Candreva;Francesco Lombardo;Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli, Payload aspects of mobile satellite systems with on-ground beamforming and interference cancellation, in: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS), 2012, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems (ICWITS), Maui, HI; United States, 11-16 November 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Filippo Di Cecca;Fabrizio Capobianco;Federico Cecili;Nader Alagha;Rosalba Suffritti;Alessando Vanelli-Coralli;Enzo Candreva;Giovanni Corazza, Prospective Air Interface Improvements for Mesh Networks, in: 30th AIAA International Communications Satellite System Conference (ICSSC), 2012, pp. n/a - n/a (atti di: 30th AIAA International Communications Satellite System Conference (ICSSC), Ottawa, Canada, 24 September 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Filippo Di Cecca;Emanuele Tirro';Claudio Campa;Piero Angeletti;Stefano Cioni;Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli;Enzo Candreva;Francesco Lombardo, On-Ground Beamforming and Interference Cancellation for next generation mobile systems, in: 30th AIAA International Communications Satellite System Conference (ICSSC), 2012, pp. n/a - n/a (atti di: 30th AIAA International Communications Satellite System Conference (ICSSC), Ottawa, Canada, 24 Sptember 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
F. Lombardo;A. Vanelli-Coralli;E. A. Candreva;G. E. Corazza, Throughput distribution analysis of return link multi-gateway interference cancellation strategies for multi-beam broadband satellite systems2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops, in: 2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops, IEEE, 2012, pp. 95 - 99 (atti di: 2012 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2012, Anaheim, CA; United States, Anaheim, CA; United States) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Francesco Forte;Roberto Naldi;Andrea Serrani; Lorenzo Marconi, Control of Modular Aerial Robots: Combining Under- and Fully-Actuated Behaviors, in: 2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012, pp. 1160 - 1165 (atti di: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, USA, 10-13 December 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mohammad Al Janaideh;Roberto Naldi;Lorenzo Marconi;Pavel Krejci, A hybrid system for a class of hysteresis nonlinearity: Modeling and compensation2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), in: 2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012, pp. 5380 - 5385 (atti di: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, HI, USA, 10-13 December, 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
S. Mellone;C. Tacconi;L. Schwickert;J. Klenk;C. Becker;L. Chiari, Smartphone-based solutions for fall detection and prevention: the FARSEEING approach, «ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE», 2012, 45, pp. 722 - 727 [Scientific article]
C. Becker;L. Schwickert;S. Mellone;F. Bagalà;L. Chiari;J.L. Helbostad;W. Zijlstra;K. Aminian;A. Bourke;C. Todd;S. Bandinelli;N. Kerse;J. Klenk, Proposal for a multiphase fall model based on real-world fall recordings with body-fixed sensors, «ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE», 2012, 45, pp. 707 - 715 [Scientific article]
Davide Cattaneo; M Garegnani; Marco Pirini; J Jonsdottir; Lorenzo Chiari; Luigi Pugnetti, Cortical activity and cortical adaptation in upright posture in subjects with multiple sclerosis before and after rehabilitation, «MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS», 2012, 18, pp. S21 - S22 [Abstract]