All publications
All publications since 2004
Daniele, Vigo; Claudio, Caremi; Angelo, Gordini; Sandro, Bosso; Giuseppe, D’Aleo; Beatrice, Beleggia, SPRINT: Optimization of Staff Management for Desk Customer Relations Services at Hera, «INTERFACES», 2014, 44, pp. 461 - 479 [Scientific article]
Aldo Romani; Matteo Filippi, Quasi-synchronous charge extraction for improved energy harvesting from highly coupled piezoelectric transducers, «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2014, 87, pp. 1525 - 1528 [Scientific article]
Antonio Camarda; Aldo Romani; Marco Tartagni, Piezoelectric transformers for ultra-low voltage energy harvesting applications, «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2014, 87, pp. 1521 - 1524 [Scientific article]
Macrelli, Enrico; Romani, Aldo; Ningning, Wang; Saibal, Roy; Michael, Hayes; Paganelli, RUDI PAOLO; Tartagni, Marco, Design and Fabrication of a 29 μH Bondwire Micro-Transformer with LTCC Magnetic Core on Silicon for Energy Harvesting Applications, «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2014, 87, pp. 1557 - 1560 [Scientific article]
Enrico Macrelli; Ningning Wang; Saibal Roy; Michael Hayes; Rudi Paolo Paganelli; Marco Tartagni; Aldo Romani, Design and fabrication of a 315 uH bondwire micro-transformer for ultra-low voltage energy harvesting, in: Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2014, IEEE, «PROCEEDINGS - DESIGN, AUTOMATION, AND TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION», 2014, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE), 2014, Dresden (Germania), 24-28 Marzo 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Cortesi, Matteo; Fantozzi, Silvia; DI MICHELE, Rocco; Zamparo, P.; Gatta, Giorgio, Passive Drag Reduction Using Full-Body Swimsuits: The Role of Body Position, «JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH», 2014, 28, pp. 3164 - 3171 [Scientific article]
Costanzo, Alessandra; Masotti, Diego; Romani, Aldo; Tartagni, Marco, Energy scavenging and storage for RFID systems, in: Green RFID Systems, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 38 - 75 (EUMA HIGH FREQUENCY TECHNOLOGIES SERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Bemfica Rodrigues Jéferson; Melchiorri Claudio ; Moriello Lorenzo ; Palli Gianluca ; Scarcia Umberto, A three-fingered cable-driven gripper for underwater applications, in: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014, pp. 2469 - 2474 (atti di: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, 31 May - 7 June 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Melchiorri, Claudio; Moriello, Lorenzo; Palli, Gianluca; Scarcia, Umberto, A new force/torque sensor for robotic applications based on optoelectronic components, in: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014, pp. 6408 - 6413 (atti di: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Hong Kong, China, 31 May - 7 June 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Luca Cattelani; Federico Chesani; Pierpaolo Palumbo; Luca Palmerini; Stefania Bandinelli; Clemens Becker; Lorenzo Chiari, FRAT-Up, a Rule-Based System Evaluating Fall Risk in the Elderly, in: 2014 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, New York, NY, IEEE, 2014, pp. 38 - 41 (atti di: 2014 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, New York, NY, 27-29 May 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Matteo, Gigli; Govoni, Marco; Lotti, Nadia; Giordano, EMANUELE DOMENICO; Massimo, Gazzano; Munari, Andrea, Biocompatible multiblock aliphatic polyesters containing ether-linkages: influence of molecular architecture on solid-state properties and hydrolysis rate, «RSC ADVANCES», 2014, 4, pp. 32965 - 32976 [Scientific article]
DE MARCHI, Luca; J., Moll; Marzani, Alessandro, A sparsity promoting algorithm for time of flight estimation in Guided waves - based SHM, in: EWSHM - 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2014, pp. 583 - 590 (atti di: 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
T. Di Ianni; A. Perelli; L. De Marchi; A. Marzani, Compressive Sensing for full wavefield image recovery in structural monitoring applications, in: Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2014 - 2nd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society, 2014, pp. 1736 - 1742 (atti di: 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Matteo Cuppini; Eleonora Franchi Scarselli; Claudio Mucci; Roberto Canegallo, Soft-Core eFPGA for Smart Power Applications, in: Proc. of International Symposium on System-on-Chip (SoC) 2014, NEW YORK, IEEE, 2014, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 16th International Symposium on System-on-Chip 2014, Tampere (Finland), 28-29 Ottobre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Barbieri R; Valenza G; Citi L; Guerrisi M; Orsolini S; Tessa C; Diciotti S; Toschi N, Low instantaneous entropy of heartbeat dynamics characterizes cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease, in: Proceedings of Computing in Cardiology 2014, 2014, 41, pp. 81 - 84 (atti di: Computing in Cardiology 2014, Boston, 7-10 Settembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Francesca Galluzzo;Luca De Marchi;Nicola Testoni;Mahdi Tabassian;Nicolo Speciale;Guido Masetti, A fully automated method for carotid plaques segmentation in ultrasound images based on motion estimation and level-set, in: 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2014, pp. 2343 - 2346 (atti di: 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Chicago, IL, United States, 3-6 September 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
N. Bezirgiannidis;C. Caini;D.D. Padalino Montenero;M. Ruggieri;V. Tsaoussidis, Contact Graph Routing enhancements for delay tolerant space communications2014 7th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (ASMS/SPSC), in: 2014 7th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (ASMS/SPSC), New York, IEEE, 2014, pp. 17 - 23 (atti di: Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop (ASMS/SPSC), 2014 7th, Livorno, 8-10 Sept. 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gaia, Leli; Raffaelli, Carla, Performance of 3-level scheduling in optical core switch for Data Center interconnection2014 19th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications - (NOC), in: 2014 19th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications - (NOC), IEEE, 2014, pp. 7 - 12 (atti di: NOC 2014, Milano - Italy, 4-6 June 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Belli, Guido; Ciacci, Simone; Rudatis, A.; Pegreffi, Francesco; Fantozzi, Silvia; Belli, Guido, Muscle activation during push-up exercise under stable and instable conditions., in: XIX International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology-Book of abstract, Bologna, Romano Zannoli, Ivan Corazza and Rita Stagni, 2014, pp. 422 - 427 (atti di: XIX International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Bologna, 3-5/09/2014) [Abstract]
Cornaz, Denis; Furini, Fabio; Lacroix, Mathieu; Malaguti, Enrico; Mahjoub, A. Ridha; Martin, Sebastien, Mathematical formulations for the Balanced Vertex k-Separator Problem, in: 2014 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), IEEE, 2014, pp. 176 - 181 (atti di: 2014 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Metz, 3-5 Novembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]