All publications
All publications since 2004
Visciarelli, Michele; Gnani, Elena; Gnudi, Antonio; Reggiani, Susanna; Baccarani, Giorgio, Investigation of the combined effect of traps and strain on optimized n- and p-type TFETs, in: Joint International EUROSOl Workshop and International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon-ULIS, EUROSOI-ULIS 2017 - Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017, pp. 13 - 16 (atti di: 2017 Joint International EUROSOl Workshop and International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon-ULIS, EUROSOI-ULIS 2017, grc, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Jochen, Moll; Mälzer, M.; Testoni, Nicola; DE MARCHI, Luca; Marzani, Alessandro, Experimental analysis of digital data communication in intelligent structures using lamb waves, in: Structural Health Monitoring 2017: Real-Time Material State Awareness and Data-Driven Safety Assurance - Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2017, 2017, pp. 1654 - 1661 (atti di: International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, 12 -14 September 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Buratti, Chiara*; Verdone, Roberto, End-to-End Throughput of Ad Hoc Multi-Hop Networks in a Poisson Field of Interferers, «IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING», 2017, 25, pp. 3189 - 3202 [Scientific article]
Selmi, L.; Caruso, E.; Carapezzi, S.; Visciarelli, M.; Gnani, E.; Zagni, N.; Pavan, P.; Palestri, P.; Esseni, D.; Gnudi, A.; Reggiani, S.; Puglisi, F.M.; Verzellesi, G., Modelling nanoscale n-MOSFETs with III-V compound semiconductor channels: From advanced models for band structures, electrostatics and transport to TCAD, in: Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., «TECHNICAL DIGEST - INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES MEETING», 2017, pp. 13.4.1 - 13.4.4 (atti di: 63rd IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM 2017, USA, 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Testa, Andrea; Rucco, Alessandro; Notarstefano, Giuseppe, A finite-Time cutting plane algorithm for distributed mixed integer linear programming, in: 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., «PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION & CONTROL», 2017, 2018-, pp. 3847 - 3852 (atti di: 56th IEEE Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 12-15 Dec. 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access
Bazzi, Alessandro; Masini, Barbara M.; Zanella, Alberto; Dardari, Davide, Performance evaluation of softer vertical handovers in multiuser heterogeneous wireless networks, «WIRELESS NETWORKS», 2017, 23, pp. 159 - 176 [Scientific article]
Macchelli, Alessandro; Le Gorrec, Yann; Ramirez, Hector; Zwart, Hans, On the Synthesis of Boundary Control Laws for Distributed Port Hamiltonian Systems, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL», 2017, 62, pp. 1700 - 1713 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gharsellaoui, Ala Eddine; Ghanem, Samah A. M.; Tarchi, Daniele; Vanelli Coralli, Alessandro, Energy efficient Adaptive Network Coding Schemes for Satellite Communications, in: Wireless and Satellite Systems. WiSATS 2016., Cham, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES, SOCIAL INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING», 2017, 186, pp. 202 - 212 (atti di: WISATS 2016 - 8th EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems (formerly PSATS), Cardiff, UK, 19-20 September 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Chatzinotas, S.; Evans, B.; Guidotti, Alessandro; Icolari, VINCENZO RICCARDO; Lagunas, E.; Maleki, S.; Sharma, S. K.; Tarchi, Daniele; Thompson, P.; VANELLI CORALLI, Alessandro, Cognitive approaches to enhance spectrum availability for satellite systems, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING», 2017, 35, pp. 407 - 442 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mascalchi, Mario; Pantoni, Leonardo; Giannelli, Marco; Valenti, Raffaella; Bianchi, Andrea; Pracucci, Giovanni; Orsolini, Stefano; Ciulli, Stefano; Tessa, Carlo; Poggesi, Anna; Pescini, Francesca; Inzitari, Domenico; Diciotti, Stefano, Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Map Brain Microstructural Changes in CADASIL, «JOURNAL OF NEUROIMAGING», 2017, 27, pp. 85 - 91 [Scientific article]
Kouh Daragh, Vahid; Vanelli-Coralli, Alessandro; Tarchi, Daniele, Using a Cost Function to Choose the Best Communication Technology for Fulfilling the Smart Meters Communication Requirements, in: Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 33 - 42 (LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES, SOCIAL INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay]
Kouh Daragh, Vahid; Tarchi, Daniele; Vanelli-Coralli, Alessandro; Corazza, Giovanni E., A Cost Function Based Prioritization Method for Smart Grid Communication Network, in: Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 16 - 24 (LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES, SOCIAL INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING) [Chapter or essay]
Tossani, Fabio; Napolitano, Fabio; Borghetti, Alberto, New Integral Formulas for the Elements of the Transient Ground Resistance Matrix of Multiconductor Lines, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY», 2017, 59, pp. 193 - 198 [Scientific article]
Diciotti, Stefano; Nobis, Alessandro; Ciulli, Stefano; Landini, Nicholas; Mascalchi, Mario; Sverzellati, Nicola; Innocenti, Bernardo, Development of digital phantoms based on a finite element model to simulate low-attenuation areas in CT imaging for pulmonary emphysema quantification, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED RADIOLOGY AND SURGERY», 2017, 12, pp. 1561 - 1570 [Scientific article]
Magnone, Paolo; Traverso, PIER ANDREA; Fiegna, Claudio, Experimental technique for the performance evaluation and optimization of 1/f noise spectrum investigation in electron devices, «MEASUREMENT», 2017, 98, pp. 421 - 428 [Scientific article]
Azarkhish, Erfan; Pfister, Christoph; Rossi, Davide; Loi, Igor; Benini, Luca, Logic-Base Interconnect Design for Near Memory Computing in the Smart Memory Cube, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS», 2017, 25, pp. 210 - 223 [Scientific article]
Macchelli, Alessandro; Le Gorrec, Yann; Ramírez, Héctor, Boundary energy-shaping control of an isothermal tubular reactor, «MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS», 2017, 23, pp. 77 - 88 [Scientific article]
Conti, Francesco; Palossi, Daniele; Andri, Renzo; Magno, Michele; Benini, Luca, Accelerated Visual Context Classification on a Low-Power Smartwatch, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS», 2017, 47, pp. 19 - 30 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chiesi, Matteo; Franchi Scarselli, Eleonora; Guerrieri, Roberto, Run-time detection and correction of heliostat tracking errors, «RENEWABLE ENERGY», 2017, 105, pp. 702 - 711 [Scientific article]
Florian, Corrado; Cappello, Tommaso; Niessen, Daniel; Paganelli, Rudi Paolo; Schafer, Scott; Popovic, Zoya, Efficient Programmable Pulse Shaping for X-Band GaN MMIC Radar Power Amplifiers, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES», 2017, 65, pp. 881 - 891 [Scientific article]