All publications
All publications since 2004
Iman Khajenasiri; PATTI, EDOARDO; Marco Jahn; ACQUAVIVA, ANDREA; Marian Verhelst; MACII, Enrico; Georges Gielen, Design and Implementation of a Multi-Standard Event-Driven Energy Management System For Smart Buildings, in: Proceedings of 3rd IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2014), IEEE, 2014, pp. 20 - 21 (atti di: 3rd IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2014), Tokyo, Japan, October 07-10 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bawart M.; Marzinotto M.; Mazzanti G., A deeper insight into fault location on long submarine power cables, in: CIGRE Session 45 - 45th International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2014, Parigi, CIGRE, 2014, 2014-, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 45th International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2014, CIGRE 2014, Palais des Congres, fra, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gibiino G.P.; Avolio G.; Schreurs D.; Santarelli A.; Filicori F., Mixer-like modeling with dynamic baseband characterization for supply-modulated PAs, in: European Microwave Week 2014: Connecting the Future, EuMW 2014 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2014: 44th European Microwave Conference, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., «EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE», 2014, pp. 1313 - 1316 (atti di: 2014 44th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2014 - Held as Part of the 17th European Microwave Week, EuMW 2014, Fiera di Roma, ita, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Tallarico A.N.; Cho M.; Franco J.; Ritzenthaler R.; Togo M.; Horiguchi N.; Groeseneken G.; Crupi F., Impact of the substrate orientation on CHC reliability in n-FinFETs - Separation of the various contributions, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY», 2014, 14, pp. 52 - 56 [Scientific article]
CIRIMELE, VINCENZO; FRESCHI, FABIO, Design of a magnetic structure for inductive power transfer for electric vehicle charge during the motion, in: Short paper proceedings, ITA, Politecnico Torino, 2014, pp. 88 - 89 (atti di: 13th International Workshop on 1&2 dimensional magnetic measurement and testing. Short paper proceedings, Torino, 10-12 September 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Amditis, A.; Damousis, I.; GUGLIELMI, PAOLO; Karaseitanidis, G.; CIRIMELE, VINCENZO, Dynamic Wireless Charging for More Efficient FEVs: The Fabric Project Concept, in: IET Conference Publications, 2014, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: MedPower 2014, Athens, Greece, November 3 - 7, 2014 Athens, Greece) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
CIRIMELE, VINCENZO; FRESCHI, FABIO; GUGLIELMI, Paolo, Wireless power transfer structure design for electric vehicle in charge while driving, in: IEEE Conference Pubblications, IEEE, 2014, pp. 2461 - 2467 (atti di: Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2014 International Conference on, Berlino, 2-5 September 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
BAVASTRO, DAVIDE; CANOVA, Aldo; CIRIMELE, VINCENZO; FRESCHI, FABIO; GIACCONE, LUCA; GUGLIELMI, Paolo; REPETTO, MAURIZIO, Design of Wireless Power Transmission for a Charge While Driving System, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS», 2014, 50, pp. 965 - 968 [Scientific article]
GUGLIELMI, Paolo; DIANA, MICHELA; PICCOLI, GIOVANNI; CIRIMELE, VINCENZO, Multi-n-phase Electric Drives for Traction Applications, in: IEVC14, 2014, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: IEVC14, Firenze, Dicembre) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
CIRIMELE, VINCENZO; DIANA, MICHELA; El Sayed N.; FRESCHI, FABIO; GUGLIELMI, Paolo; PICCOLI, GIOVANNI, An innovative next generation E-mobility infrastructure: the eCo-FEV project, in: IEVC14, IEEE, 2014, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: IEVC14, Firenze, 17-19 Dec. 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
FURINI, SIMONE; Domene, Carmen, DNA recognition process of the lactose repressor protein studied via metadynamics and umbrella sampling simulations, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL», 2014, 118, pp. 13059 - 13065 [Scientific article]
Pessoa, João; Fonseca, Fátima; FURINI, SIMONE; Morais Cabral, João H., Determinants of ligand selectivity in a cyclic nucleotide-regulated potassium channel, «JOURNAL OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY», 2014, 144, pp. 41 - 54 [Scientific article]
RENIERI, ALESSANDRA; Maria Antonietta Mencarelli; Francesco Cetta; Margherita Baldassarri; MARI, FRANCESCA; FURINI, SIMONE; Pietro Piu; ARIANI, FRANCESCA; Tommaso A. Dragani; FRULLANTI, ELISA, Oligogenic germline mutations identified in early non-smokers lung adenocarcinoma patients, «LUNG CANCER», 2014, 85, pp. 168 - 174 [Scientific article]
FURINI, SIMONE; BARBINI, PAOLO; Domene, Carmen, Effects of the protonation state of the EEEE motif of a bacterial Na +-channel on conduction and pore structure, «BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2014, 106, pp. 2175 - 2183 [Scientific article]
BARBINI, PAOLO; BARBINI, EMANUELA; FURINI, SIMONE; CEVENINI, GABRIELE, A straightforward approach to designing a scoring system for predicting length-of-stay of cardiac surgery patients, «BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING», 2014, 14, pp. 89 - 96 [Scientific article]
Barbini, Paolo; Cevenini, Gabriele; Furini, Simone; Barbini, Emanuela, A naïve approach for deriving scoring systems to support clinical decision making, «JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE», 2014, 20, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
Frechette M.F.; Vanga-Bouanga C.; Fabiani D.; Castellon J.; Diaham S., Graphene-based polymer composites: What about it for the HV electrotechnical Arena?, in: 33rd Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2015, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014, pp. 483 - 487 (atti di: 33rd Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2015, usa, 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
D. Casadei; M. Mengoni; G. Serra; A. Tani; L. Zarri, DTC Principles in Multilevel and Multiphase Induction Motor Drives, «ELECTROMOTION», 2013, 20, pp. 15 - 24 [Scientific article]
Montanari, GIAN CARLO; Fabiani, Davide, HVDC aging modelling for polymeric cable: an overview, in: Jicable HVDC'13, Jicable, 2013, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: Jicable HVDC'13, Perpignan, 18-20 Novembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Thei, Federico; Rossi, Michele; Bennati, Marco; Crescentini, Marco; Berti, Claudio; Tartagni, Marco, A LOW NOISE ION CHANNEL AMPLIFIER IN A USB PEN DRIVE, «BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2013, 104, pp. 519 - 519 [Abstract]