Articles published in conference proceedings in the last two years
S. Tassani; N. Ciarciello.; G.Varì; A.Funtone; S. Fantozzi; P.Bifulco, Applications of video fluoroscopy for in-vivo joint kinematics studies: overview, in: 4th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, PATRAS, s.n, 2004, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: 4th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Patras, Greece, 25-27 Giugno 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Borghetti; C.A. Nucci; M. Paolone; M. Bernardi, Contributions to SC C4 Session on Paper C4-303 – “Lightning-Induced Voltages on Overhead Distribution Lines: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of related Problems and their Impact on Power Quality”, by C.A. Nucci, A. Borghetti, M. Paolone, P. Boselli, M. Bernardi, S. Malgarotti, I. Mastandrea, F. Rachidi, in: CIGRE 2004 Session Proceedings, PARIS, CIGRE, 2004, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: CIGRE Session 2004, Paris, France, 29 August – 3 September 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
F. Catani; S. Fantozzi; A. Ensini; S. Giannini, Dynamic in-vivo tibio-femoral and bearing motions in mobile bearing knee arthroplasty, in: American Accademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual meeting, SAN FRANCISCO, s.n, 2004, pp. 433 - 434 (atti di: AAOS, San Francisco, USA, 10-14 Marzo, 2004) [Abstract]
M. Abonnenc; L. Altomare; M. Baruffa; V. Ferrarini; R. Guerrieri; B. Iafelice; A. Leonardi; N. Manaresi; G. Medoro; A. Romani; M. Tartagni; P. Vulto, Teaching cells to dance: the impact of transistor miniaturization on the manipulation of populations of living cells, in: Proceedings of International Workshop on Ultimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 123 - 128 (atti di: International Workshop on Ultimate Integration of Silicon (ULIS), Leuven, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
F. Mastri; D. Masotti; V. Rizzoli, Analisi degli effetti non lineari nei circuiti a RF contenenti interruttori a MEMS, in: Atti delle XX Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori di Elettrotecnica, s.l, s.n, 2004, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: XX Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori di Elettrotecnica, Salerno, 16-19 Giugno 2004) [Abstract]
Diciotti S; Petrolo L; Falchini M; Picozzi G; Mascalchi M; Villari N; Valli G, Multi-scale neural network system for lung nodules detection in spiral CT images: preliminary results, in: Proceedings of MEDICON 2004, 2004, pp. 0 - 0 (atti di: MEDICON 2004, Ischia, Italy, July 31-August 5, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Degli Esposti, V; Fuschini, F.; Guiducci, D., A study on roof-to-street propagation, in: ICEAA 2003 - International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2004, pp. 45 - 47 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2003, Torino, ita, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Borghi, Carlo A.; Carraro, Mario R.; Cristofolini, Andrea, An analysisofmhd interaction intheboundarylayer of hypersonic blunt body, in: 34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 2004, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: 34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 2003, Orlando, FL, usa, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Borghi, C. A.; Carraro, M. R.; Cristofolini, A.; Ghidini, R.; Paganucci, F., Optical investigations on a magneto-plasma-dynamic thruster, in: 34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, 2004, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 2003, Orlando, FL, usa, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Peretto Lorenzo ; Rinaldi Paola, Predizione della affidabilità di un sistema per l’analisi della qualità dell’energia elettrica mediante l’Impiego del modello di Markov, in: GMEE 2004 Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale, 2004, pp. 97 - 98 (atti di: GMEE XXI Convegno Nazionale, Crema, 16-18 settembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
ACQUAVIVA, ANDREA; E. LATTANZI; A. BOGLIOLO, Design and Simulation of Power-Aware Scheduling Strategies of Streaming Data in Wireless LANs, in: Proceedings of MASWMS 2004, ACM, 2004, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Venezia, October) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
ACQUAVIVA, ANDREA; E. LATTANZI; A. BOGLIOLO, Power-aware network swapping for wireless palmtop PCs, in: DESIGN, AUTOMATION AND TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS, IEEE, «PROCEEDINGS - DESIGN, AUTOMATION, AND TEST IN EUROPE CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION», 2004, pp. 858 - 863 (atti di: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE 04), Paris (FRANCE), FEB 16-20, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
E. LATTANZI; ACQUAVIVA, ANDREA; A. BOGLIOLO, Run-Time Software Monitor of the Power Consumption of Wireless Network Interface Cards, in: Proceedings of PATMOS 2004, ACM, 2004, pp. 352 - 361 (atti di: Power And Timing Modeling Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), Greece, September) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
ACQUAVIVA, ANDREA; A. ALDINI; M. BERNARDO; A. BOGLIOLO; E. BONTA; E. LATTANZI, Assessing the impact of dynamic power management on the functionality and the performance of battery-powered appliances, in: Proceedings of DSN 2004, IEEE, 2004, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: IEEE Conference Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Florence (ITALY), June) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gnani E.; Reggiani S.; Rudan M.; Baccarani G., A new approach to the self-consistent solution of the Schrödinger- Poisson equations in nanowire MOSFETs, in: ESSCIRC 2004 - Proceedings of the 34th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2004, pp. 177 - 180 (atti di: ESSCIRC 2004 - Proceedings of the 34th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, Leuven, bel, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bevilacqua A.; Lanza A.; Baccarani G.; Rovatti R., A single-scan algorithm for connected components labelling in a traffic monitoring application, in: Image Analysis, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2003, 2749, pp. 677 - 684 (atti di: 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA 2003), Halmstad, Sweden, June 29 – July 2, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Casadei D.; Serra G.; Tani A.; Zarri L., Effects of the switching strategy on the input power quality of matrix converters, in: 2003 IEEE Bologna PowerTech - Conference Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, 2003, 1, pp. 8 - 15 (atti di: 2003 IEEE Bologna PowerTech Conference, Bologna, ita, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Casadei D.; Serra G.; Tani A.; Zarri L., Improvement of the stability of electrical drives fed by matrix converters, in: Proceedings, «COLLOQUIUM», 2003, 3-10100, pp. 19 - 30 (atti di: Matrix Converters, London, gbr, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Santarelli A.; Paganelli R.; Costantini A.; Vannini G.; Filicori F., A simplified approach for quasi-linear power amplifier distortion evaluation, in: Conference Proceedings - 33rd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2003, IEEE Computer Society, 2003, 1, pp. 387 - 390 (atti di: 33rd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2003, Munich, deu, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Montanari G.C.; Palmieri F.; Mazzanti G.; Laurent C.; Teyssedre G., AC charge injection investigated by means of space charge measurements: Threshold and frequency dependence, in: Atti del IEEE ICPADM, Piscataway, New Jersey, IEEE, 2003, 3, pp. 895 - 899 (atti di: IEEE ICPADM, Nagoya, Giappone, Giugno 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]