Articles published in journals and magazines in the last two years
Filicori F.; Rinaldi P.; Vannini G.; Santarelli A., A new technique for thermal resistance measurement in power electron devices, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT», 2005, 54, pp. 1921 - 1925 [Scientific article]
Raffo A.; Santarelli A.;Traverso P. A.; Vannini G.; Palomba F.; Scappaviva F.; Pagani M.; Filicori F., Accurate PHEMT Intermodulation Prediction in the Presence of Low-Frequency Dispersion Effects, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES», 2005, 53, pp. 3449 - 3459 [Scientific article]
M. Chiani; M.G. Martini, Practical frame synchronization on AWGN channels, «IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS», 2005, Vol.9, n° 5, pp. 456 - 458 [Scientific article]
A. Conti; M. Z. Win; M. Chiani, Invertible bounds for M-QAM in Rayleigh fading, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS», 2005, 4, n. 5, pp. 1994 - 2000 [Scientific article]
S. Maggio; N. Testoni; L. De Marchi; N. Speciale; G. Masetti, Ultrasound Images Enhancement by means of Deconvolution Algorithms in the Wavelet Domain, «WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS», 2005, 4, pp. 1958 - 1965 [Scientific article]
S. Reggiani; E. Gnani; M. Rudan; G. Baccarani; C. Corvasce; D. Barlini; M. Ciappa; W. Fichtner; M. Denison; N. Jensen; G. Groos; M. Stecher, Measurement and modeling of the electron impact-ionization coefficient in silicon up to very high temperatures, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2005, 52, pp. 2290 - 2299 [Scientific article]
C. Bonivento; L. Gentili; L. Marconi, Balanced Robust Regulation of a Magnetic Levitation System, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY», 2005, 13, pp. 155 - 165 [Scientific article]
M. Dozza; L. Chiari; F.B. Horak, Audio-biofeedback improves balance in patients with bilateral vestibular loss, «ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION», 2005, vol.86(7), pp. 1401 - 1403 [Scientific article]
A. Tilli, Discussion on "Power Flow Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Machine Coupled to a Flywheel" (by C. Batlle, A. Dòria-Cerezo and R. Ortega), «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL», 2005, 11, pp. 225 - 227 [Comment or similar]
A. Cristofolini, An analysis of MHD interaction in hypersonic flows, «ATTI DELLA FONDAZIONE GIORGIO RONCHI», 2005, 1-2, pp. 341 - 344 [Scientific article]
A. Cristofolini, The inexact Newton method applied for the solution of a magnetostatic problem, «ATTI DELLA FONDAZIONE GIORGIO RONCHI», 2005, 1-2, pp. 351 - 354 [Scientific article]
F. Callegati; D. Careglio; W. Cerroni; G. Muretto; C. Raffaelli; J. Solé-Pareta; P. Zaffoni, Keeping the Packet Sequence in Optical Packet-Switched Networks, «OPTICAL SWITCHING AND NETWORKING», 2005, 2, pp. 137 - 147 [Scientific article]
Palestri P.; Esseni D.; Eminente S.; Fiegna C.; Sangiorgi E.; Selmi L., Understandig Quasi-Ballistics Trasport in Nano-MOSFETS: Part I Scattering in the Channel and in the Drain, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2005, 52, pp. 2727 - 2735 [Scientific article]
Eminente S.; Esseni D.; Palestri P.; Fiegna C.; Selmi L.; Sangiorgi E., Understandig quasi-ballistics trasport in nano-MOSFETS: Part II Technology scaling along the ITRS, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2005, 52, pp. 2736 - 2743 [Scientific article]
B.Arts; L. Benini; N. van der Eng; M. Heijligers; A. Kenter; E. Macii; H. Munk; F. Theeuwen, Enhancing behavioural-level design flows with statistical power estimation capabilities, «IEE PROCEEDINGS. COMPUTERS AND DIGITAL TECHNIQUES», 2005, 152, pp. 731 - 737 [Scientific article]
R. Zanino; M. Bagnasco; F. Bellina; T. Bonicelli; A. della Corte; A. Di Zenobio; W.H. Fietz; A. Formisano; R. Heller; Yu Ilyin; V. Marchese; R. Martone; L. Muzzi; A. Nijhuis; M. Polak; P.L. Ribani; E. Salpietro; L. Savoldi Richard; S. Turtu; L. verdini; G.R. Zahan, Current Distribution Measurement on the ITER-Type NbTi Bus Bar III, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY», 2005, 15, n. 2, pp. 1407 - 1410 [Scientific article]
R. Zanino; M. Bagnasco; F. Bellina; P. Gislon; P.L. Ribani; L. Savoldi Richard, Modeling AC losses in the ITER NbTi poloidal field full size joint sample (PF-FSJS) using the THELMA code, «FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN», 2005, 75-79, pp. 23 - 27 [Scientific article]
D. Guermandi; P. Tortori; E. Franchi Scarselli; A. Gnudi, A 0.83-2.5 GHz Continuously Tunable Quadrature VCO, «IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS», 2005, 40, pp. 2620 - 2627 [Scientific article]
L. Chiari, Potenzialità e limiti dell’analisi posturografica strumentale: una prospettiva metodologica, «EUROPA MEDICOPHYSICA», 2005, 41 (Suppl.1-4), pp. 495 - 497 [Scientific article]
P. S. Bithas ; G. K. Karagiannidis; N. C. Sagias; P. T. Mathiopoulus; S.A. Kotsopoulos; G. E. Corazza, Performance Analysis of a Class of GSC Receivers over Nonidentical Weibull Fading Channels, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY», 2005, 54-6, pp. 1963 - 1970 [Scientific article]