Articles published in journals and magazines in the last two years
G. Albertazzi; S. Cioni; G. E. Corazza; M. Neri; R. Pedone; P. Salmi; A. Vanelli-Coralli; M. Villanti, On the adaptive DVB-S2 physical layer: design and performance, «IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS», 2005, 12-6, pp. 62 - 68 [Scientific article]
G. Tartarini; P. Faccin, Distorsione Armonica e di Intermodulazioni in Sistemi "Radio over Fibre" con Laser a Modulazione Diretta, «QUADERNI DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI ELETTROMAGNETISMO», 2005, 1, pp. 192 - 199 [Scientific article]
S. Reggiani; E. Gnani; M. Rudan; G. Baccarani; S. Bychikhin; J. Kuzmik; D. Pogany; E. Gornik; M. Denison; N. Jensen; G. Groos; M. Stecher, A new numerical and experimental analysis tool for ESD devices by means of the transient interferometric technique, «IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS», 2005, 26, pp. 916 - 918 [Scientific article]
A. Cavallini; G. C. Montanari; F. Puletti, A fuzzy logic algorithm to detect electrical trees in polymeric insulation systems, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2005, 12, pp. 1134 - 1144 [Scientific article]
D. Fabiani; G. Mazzanti; C. Biserni, L’Italia e i blackout: la lezione del 28 settembre 2003, «POWER TECHNOLOGY», 2005, 6, pp. 18 - 28 [Scientific article]
L. Peretto; R. Sasdelli; R.Tinarelli, Uncertainty Propagation in the Discrete-Time Wavelet Transform, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT», 2005, 54, pp. 2474 - 2480 [Scientific article]
R. Stagni; A. Ensini; A. Leardini; A. Cappello, Ankle morphometry evaluated using a new semi-automated technique based on X-ray pictures, «CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS», 2005, 20, pp. 307 - 311 [Scientific article]
M. Ursino; G.E. La Cara., Dependence of Visual Cell Properties on Intracortical Synapses Among Hypercolumns: Analysis by a Computer Model, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE», 2005, 19, pp. 291 - 310 [Scientific article]
A. Ragauskas; G. Daubaris; V. Petkus; V. Ragaisis; M. Ursino, Clinical study of continuous cerebrovascular autoregulation monitoring in neurosurgical ICU, «ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA», 2005, Suppl. 95,, pp. 367 - 370 [Scientific article]
G. Mazzini; R. Rovatti; G. Setti, On the aggregation of self-similar processes, «IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES», 2005, 88, pp. 2656 - 2663 [Scientific article]
D. Angeli; Y. Chitour; L. Marconi, Robust Stabilization by Saturated Feedback, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL», 2005, 50, pp. 1997 - 2014 [Scientific article]
A. Giorgetti; M. Chiani; M. Win, The effect of narrowband interference on wideband wireless communication systems, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS», 2005, 53, pp. 2139 - 2149 [Scientific article]
D. Casadei; G. Serra; A. Tani; L. Zarri, Experimental Behaviour of a Matrix Converter Prototype Based on New Power Modules, «AUTOMATIKA», 2005, 46, pp. 83 - 91 [Scientific article]
L. Benini; D. Bertozzi; R. Zafalon, Protocol Stack and System Software Optimization for Energy Efficient Wireless Embedded Systems, «ST JOURNAL», 2005, 2 No. 1, pp. 107 - 127 [Scientific article]
E. Lattanzi; A. Gayasen; M. Kandemir; V. Narayanan; L. Benini; A. Bogliolo, Improving Java performance using dynamic method migration on FPGAs, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS», 2005, 1, n. 3/4, pp. 228 - 236 [Scientific article]
Borgatti M; Altomare L; Abonnec M; Fabbri E; Manaresi N; Medoro G; Romani A; Tartagni M; Nastruzzi C; Di Croce S; Tosi A; Mancini I; Guerrieri R; Gambari R., Dielectrophoresis-based 'Lab-on-a-chip' devices for programmable binding of microspheres to target cells., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY», 2005, 27 n°6, pp. 1559 - 1566 [Scientific article]
Borgatti M; Altomare L; Baruffa M; Fabbri E; Breveglieri G; Feriotto G; Manaresi N; Medoro G; Romani A; Tartagni M; Gambari R; Guerrieri R., Separation of white blood cells from erythrocytes on a dielectrophoresis (DEP) based 'Lab-on-a-chip' device., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE», 2005, 15 n°6, pp. 913 - 920 [Scientific article]
M. Davinelli; R. Stagni; S. Fantozzi; A. Cappello, Inverse dynamics modeling in gait analysis: an application, «JOURNAL OF MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY», 2005, 5(4), pp. 531 - 538 [Scientific article]
J.M. Cazeaux; M. Omaña; C. Metra, Novel On-Chip Circuit for Jitter Testing in High-Speed PLLs, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT», 2005, 54, pp. 1779 - 1788 [Scientific article]
S. Beghelli; G. Bertoni; M. Bonfè; P. Castaldi; w. Geri; S. Simani, Design of Residual Generators for the Fault Diagnosis of General Aviation Aircraft., «MONET NEWSLETTER», 2005, 6, pp. 10 - 18 [Scientific article]