Articles published in journals and magazines in the last two years
G. Pasolini, Analytical Investigation on the Coexistence of Bluetooth Piconets, «IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS», 2004, 8, pp. 144 - 146 [Scientific article]
M. Sergio; D. Gennaretti; M. Nicolini; N. Manaresi; M. Tartagni; R. Canegallo; R. Guerrieri, A Textile Based CapacitivePressure Sensor, «SENSOR LETTERS», 2004, 2, pp. 153 - 160 [Scientific article]
Fantozzi S.; Leardini A.; Banks S.A.; Marcacci M.; Giannini S.; Catani F., Dynamic in-vivo tibio-femoral and bearing motions in mobile bearing knee arthroplasty, «KNEE SURGERY, SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY, ARTHROSCOPY», 2004, 12(2), pp. 144 - 151 [Scientific article]
C. Bonivento; A. Isidori; L. Marconi; A. Paoli, Implicit Fault Tolerant Control: Application to Induction Motors, «AUTOMATICA», 2004, 40, pp. 355 - 371 [Scientific article]
L. Marconi; A. Isidori; A. Serrani, Non-Resonance Conditions for Uniform Observability in the Problem of Nonlinear Output Regulation, «SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS», 2004, 53, pp. 281 - 298 [Scientific article]
L. Rocchi; L. Chiari; A. Cappello, Feature selection of stabilometric parameters based on Principal Component Analysis, «MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING», 2004, 42(1), pp. 71 - 79 [Scientific article]
E. Lutz; R.E. Sheriff; Y. Fun Hu; P.M.L. Chan; M. Bousquet; G. E. Corazza; A. Donner; A. Vanelli-Coralli; M. Werner, SatNEx - A Network of Excellence in Satellite Communications, «SSC NEWSLETTER», 2004, 14, pp. 6 - 8 [Scientific article]
G. Coppini; S. Diciotti; G. Valli, Matching of medical images by self-organizing neural networks, «PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS», 2004, 25, pp. 341 - 352 [Scientific article]
Michele, Monaci, Algorithms for packing and scheduling problems, «4OR», 2004, 1, pp. 85 - 87 [Scientific article]
Fabbri M.; Morandi A.; Ribani P.L., Magnetization distribution in a superconducting bulk by means of hysteretic material characteristic as constitutive law, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS», 2003, 39, pp. 1345 - 1348 [Scientific article]
Conti A.; Dardari D.; Pasolini G.; Andrisano O., Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b coexistence: Analytical performance evaluation in fading channels, «IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS», 2003, 21, pp. 259 - 269 [Scientific article]
Lenzi, D.; Cappello, A.; Chiari, L., Influence of body segment parameters and modeling assumptions on the estimate of center of mass trajectory, «JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS», 2003, 36, pp. 1335 - 1341 [Scientific article]
Casadei D.; Serra G.; Tani A.; Zarri L.; Profumo F., Performance analysis of a speed-sensorless induction motor drive based on a constant-switching-frequency DTC scheme, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS», 2003, 39, pp. 476 - 484 [Scientific article]
Martello S.; Monaci M.; Vigo D., An exact approach to the strip-packing problem, «INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING», 2003, 15, pp. 310 - 319 [Scientific article]
Toth P.; Vigo D., The granular tabu search and its application to the vehicle-routing problem, «INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING», 2003, 15, pp. 333 - 346 [Scientific article]
Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C.; Palmieri F., Quantities extracted from space-charge measurements as markers for insulation aging, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2003, 10, pp. 198 - 203 [Scientific article]
Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C.; Palmieri F.; Alison J., Apparent trap-controlled mobility evaluation in insulating polymers through depolarization characteristics derived by space charge measurements, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS», 2003, 94, pp. 5997 - 6004 [Scientific article]
Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C.; Alison J.M., A space-charge based method for the estimation of apparent mobility and trap depth as markers for insulation degradation-theoretical basis and experimental validation, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2003, 10, pp. 187 - 197 [Scientific article]
Caprara A.; Monaci M.; Toth P., Models and algorithms for a staff scheduling problem, «MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING», 2003, 98, pp. 445 - 476 [Scientific article]
Lodi A.; Monaci M., Integer linear programming models for 2-staged two-dimensional Knapsack problems, «MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING», 2003, 94, pp. 257 - 278 [Scientific article]