Articles published in journals and magazines in the last two years
Gnani E.; Reggiani S.; Rudan M., Hole density of states and group velocity in SiO2, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS», 2003, 68, pp. 233203-1 - 233203-4 [Scientific article]
Marchi A.; Reggiani S.; Bertoni A.; Rudan M., Two-Particle Eigenfunctions of Electrons Propagating in Two Parallel Quantum Wires, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ELECTRONICS», 2003, 2, pp. 381 - 385 [Scientific article]
Grossi M.; Lanzoni M.; Riccò B., Program schemes for multilevel flash memories, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE», 2003, 91, pp. 594 - 601 [Scientific article]
Severi S.; Vecchietti S.; Cavalcanti S.; Mancini E.; Santoro A., Electrocardiographic changes during hemodiafiltration with different potassium removal rates, «BLOOD PURIFICATION», 2003, 21, pp. 381 - 388 [Scientific article]
Coli L.; Ursino M.; Donati G.; Cianciolo G.; Soverini M.L.; Baraldi O.; La Manna G.; Feliciangeli G.; Scolari M.P.; Stefoni S., Clinical application of sodium profiling in the treatment of intradialytic hypotension, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 2003, 26, pp. 715 - 722 [Scientific article]
Guidorzi, R.; Diversi, R., Minimal representations of MIMO time-varying systems and realization of cyclostationary models, «AUTOMATICA», 2003, 39, pp. 1903 - 1914 [Scientific article]
Cristofolini A.; Fabbri M.; Morandi A.; Negrini F.; Ribani P.L., Current distribution in a composite superconducting system by means of an equivalent circuit model based on a smooth E-J equivalent material characteristic, «PHYSICA. C, SUPERCONDUCTIVITY», 2002, 372-376, pp. 1771 - 1776 [Scientific article]
Setti, G.; Mazzini, G.; Rovatti, R.; Callegari, S., Statistical modeling of discrete-time chaotic processes - Basic finite-dimensional tools and applications, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE», 2002, 90, pp. 662 - 690 [Scientific article]
Chiari L.; Rocchi L.; Cappello A., Stabilometric parameters are affected by anthropometry and foot placement, «CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS», 2002, 17, pp. 666 - 677 [Scientific article]
Rocchi, L.; Chiari, L.; Horak, F. B., Effects of deep brain stimulation and levodopa on postural sway in Parkinson's disease, «JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY», 2002, 73, pp. 267 - 274 [Scientific article]
Pasolini G.; Chiani M.; Verdone R., Performance Evaluation of a Bluetooth-Based WLAN Adopting a Polling Protocol under Realistic Channel Conditions, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WIRELESS INFORMATION NETWORKS», 2002, 9, pp. 141 - 153 [Scientific article]
Casadei D.; Serra G.; Tani A.; Zarri L., Matrix converter modulation strategies: A new general approach based on space-vector representation of the switch state, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS», 2002, 49, pp. 370 - 381 [Scientific article]
Dell'Amico M.; Martello S.; Vigo D., A lower bound for the non-oriented two-dimensional bin packing problem, «DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2002, 118, pp. 13 - 24 [Scientific article]
Lodi A.; Martello S.; Vigo D., Recent advances on two-dimensional bin packing problems, «DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2002, 123, pp. 379 - 396 [Scientific article]
Toth P.; Vigo D., Models, relaxations and exact approaches for the capacitated vehicle routing problem, «DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2002, 123, pp. 487 - 512 [Scientific article]
Lodi A.; Martello S.; Vigo D., Heuristic algorithms for the three-dimensional bin packing problem, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2002, 141, pp. 410 - 420 [Scientific article]
Santarelli A.; Zucchelli G.; Paganelli R.; Vannini G.; Filicori F., Equivalent-voltage approach for modeling low-frequency dispersive effects in microwave FETs, «IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS», 2002, 12, pp. 339 - 341 [Scientific article]
Cidronali A.; Collodi G.; Santarelli A.; Vannini G.; Manes G., Millimeter-wave FET modeling using on-wafer measurements and EM simulation, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES», 2002, 50, pp. 425 - 432 [Scientific article]
Montanari G.C.; Mazzanti G.; Simoni L., Progress in electrothermal life modeling of electrical insulation during the last decades, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2002, 9, pp. 730 - 745 [Scientific article]
Mazzanti G.; Montanari C.; Dissado L.A., Erratum: Elemental strain and trapped space charge in thermoelectric ageing of insulating materials life modeling (IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (2001) 8 (966-971), «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 2002, 9, pp. 481 - 481 [Scientific article]