Articles published in journals and magazines in the last two years
Baccarani G.; Reggiani S., Performance limits of CMOS technology and perspectives of quantum devices, «COMPTES RENDUS DE L'ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES. SÉRIE IV, PHYSIQUE, ASTROPHYSIQUE», 2000, 1, pp. 843 - 873 [Scientific article]
Gnani E.; Reggiani S.; Colle R.; Rudan M., Band-structure calculations of SiC>2 by means of hartree-fock and density-functional techniques, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 2000, 47, pp. 1795 - 1803 [Scientific article]
Bertoni A.; Bordone P.; Brunetti R.; Jacoboni C.; Reggiani S., Quantum logic gates based on coherent electron transport in quantum wires, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2000, 84, pp. 5912 - 5915 [Scientific article]
Sandrolini, L; Massarini, A; Reggiani, U, Transform method for calculating low-frequency shielding effectiveness of planar linear multilayered shields, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS», 2000, 36, pp. 3910 - 3919 [Scientific article]
Massarini A.; Reggiani U.; Sandrolini L., A solution to the problem of determining X-points in magnetic induction fields, «COMPEL», 2000, 19, pp. 298 - 303 [Scientific article]
Severi S.; Cavalcanti S., Electrolyte and pH dependence of heart rate during hemodialysis: A computer model analysis, «ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 2000, 24, pp. 245 - 260 [Scientific article]
Coli L.; Ursino M.; De Pascalis A.; Brighenti C.; Dalmastri V.; La Manna G.; Isola E.; Cianciolo G.; Patrono D.; Boni P.; Stefoni S., Evaluation of intradialytic solute and fluid kinetics. Setting up a predictive mathematical model, «BLOOD PURIFICATION», 2000, 18, pp. 37 - 49 [Scientific article]
Ursino, M.; Coli, L.; Brighenti, C.; De Pascalis, A.; Chiari, L.; Dalmastri, V.; La Manna, G.; Mosconi, G.; Avanzolini, G.; Stefoni, S., Mathematical modeling of solute kinetics and body fluid changes during profiled hemodialysis, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS», 1999, 22, pp. 94 - 107 [Scientific article]
Tartarini G.; Renner H., Efficient finite-element analysis of tilted open anisotropic optical channel waveguides, «IEEE MICROWAVE AND GUIDED WAVE LETTERS», 1999, 9, pp. 389 - 391 [Scientific article]
Lodi A.; Martello S.; Vigo D., Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches for a class of two-dimensional bin packing problems, «INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING», 1999, 11, pp. 345 - 357 [Scientific article]
Gendreau M.; Laporte G.; Vigo D., Heuristics for the traveling salesman problem with pickup and delivery, «COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 1999, 26, pp. 699 - 714 [Scientific article]
Filicori F.; Santarelli A.; Vannini G.; Monaco V.A., Backgating model including self-heating for III-V FETs, «MICROWAVE ENGINEERING EUROPE», 1999, Apr, pp. 43 - 50 [Scientific article]
Cidronali A.; Collodi G.; Vannini G.; Santarelli A.; Manes G., Anew approach to FET model scaling and MMIC design based on electromagnetic analysis, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES», 1999, 47, pp. 900 - 907 [Scientific article]
Cidronali A.; Collodi G.; Vannini G.; Santarelli A., Small-signal distributed FET model consistent with device scaling, «ELECTRONICS LETTERS», 1999, 35, pp. 371 - 372 [Scientific article]
Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C.; Dissado L.A., A space-charge life model for ac electrical aging of polymers, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 1999, 6, pp. 864 - 875 [Scientific article]
Cavallini A.; Ghinello I.; Mazzanti G.; Montanari G.C., Considerations on the life performance and installation practice of shunt capacitors in the presence of harmonics generated by Ac/Dc converters, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY», 1999, 14, pp. 227 - 234 [Scientific article]
Montanari G.C.; Fabiani D., The effect of non-sinusoidal voltage on intrinsic aging of cable and capacitor insulating materials, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 1999, 6, pp. 798 - 802 [Scientific article]
Montanari G.C.; Fabiani D., Searching for the factors which affect self-healing capacitor degradation under non-sinusoidal voltage, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION», 1999, 6, pp. 319 - 325 [Scientific article]
Baccarani G.; Reggiani S., A compact double-gate MOSFET model comprising quantum-mechanical and nonstatic effects, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES», 1999, 46, pp. 1656 - 1666 [Scientific article]
Cappello A.; Aranzolini G.; Chiari L.; Burgelman M.; Vanholder R., Estimation of parameters in a two-pool urea kinetic model for hemodialysis by Burgelman et al. (multiple letters), «MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS», 1998, 20, pp. 315 - 318 [Comment or similar]