Online - Microsoft Teams
The seminar will be given by Dario Zinelli, Aviorace s.r.l., as part of the course "Applied Automatic Control M"
The New Paradigms of soft tissues assessment: medical imaging, machine learning and 3D printing
Room 2.3, via dell’Università 50, Cesena - Online, Microsoft Teams digital platform
The seminar will be given by Paolo Gargiulo, Full Professor and Director, Medical Technology Center - Reykjavik University / University Hospital Landspitali
Vehicle systems integration, testing and validation using simulation tools: applications to ADAS/AD systems
Online - Microsoft Teams
The seminar will be given by Claudio Ricci, Danisi Engineering and Stefano Ballesio, Add-for, as part of the course "Reliable Data Processing and Storage for Intelligent Systems M"
Trust the silicon for autonomous systems
Online - Microsoft Teams
The seminar will be given by Riccardo Locatelli, Functional Safety Architect, Intel Corporation, as part of the course "Reliable Data Processing and Storage for Intelligent Systems M"
An Overview of Mobile Networks – From 2G to LTE Advanced, Paving the Path to 5G
Online - Microsoft Teams
The seminar will be given by Alessandro Pace (TIM) as part fo the course "Mobile Radio Networks."
Wearable Sleep Technology: From Basic Science to Applications
Online - Microsoft Teams
The seminar will be held as part of the course "Laboratory of wearable sensors and mobile health"
Biophysically detailed mathematical models of microscale active force generation in the cardiac tissue
Online - Microsoft Teams
The seminar will be given by Dr. Francesco Regazzoni, Post-doctoral researcher at MOX, Politecnico di Milano
Safety Architectures for Autonomous Systems
Online - Microsoft Teams
A seminar given by Riccardo Locatelli, Functional Safety Architect, Intel Corporation, as part of the course "Sistemi Elettronici ad Alta Affidabilità M."
Advanced Transistors for High Frequency Applications
A seminar presented by Prof. Bertrand Parvais (IMEC, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium) as part of the course "High Frequency Electronic Circuits M."
Autonomous Things and GPUs
Online - Microsoft Teams
A seminar given by Riccardo Mariani, Vice-President Industry Safety, NVIDIA, as part of the course "Test, Diagnosis and Reliability M."
Presentations and meetings
Meraviglie blu: the new frontiers of research and exploration for the planet
DAMSLab (P.zzetta P. P. Pasolini, 5/b - Bologna)
What secrets hide in the oceans? With Alma Mater researchers and National Geographic explorers we will discover how to protect the marine environment restoring the balance between Humans and Nature.
Computing in Cardiology - CinC 2020
Rimini, Palacongressi
An international forum for scientists from the fields of medicine, physics, engineering and computer science to discuss on computing in clinical cardiology and cardiovascular physiology