The research group activities are related to the general field of protocols, infrastructures, and services for Telecommunication and Computer Networks. With a 20-year experience in the design and performance assessment of optical networks, the most recent research activities focus on innovative and emerging scenarios of programmable and virtualized networks, also in support of 5th generation mobile communications (5G) and cloud/fog/edge computing services and applications.
In particular, the most relevant topics addressed include:
- network slicing and resource virtualization in 5G networks
- from ambient sensing to cloud: architectures, protocols and implementation
- network programmability and automation: Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Intent Based Networking (IBN)
- functional splitting of 5G access network components
- optical network technologies for front-/mid-/back-haul and core network infrastructures
- service models and resource management in fog computing environments
The research methodologies include:
- design, optimization, resource planning
- modeling, performance evaluation, simulation
- experimental validation on emulated or physical infrastructures
ERC Fields
- PE7_6 - Communication technology, high-frequency technology
- PE7_8 - Networks (communication networks, sensor networks, networks of robots, etc.)
- PE6_2 - Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems, sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems
Scientific coordinator: Prof. Carla Raffaelli