Information Technologies for Wireless Communications and Localization

The research group deals with various aspects related to the use of information technologies for wireless digital communications and active and passive radio localization (radar). In the field of wireless systems, the group's research activities span both the physical and MAC levels and include the analysis of the fundamental limits of digital communications and the development of innovative techniques for the transmission of information, including processing of signals, modulation techniques for multi-antenna systems, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, machine learning algorithms for digital communication, multiple access algorithms, error correction coding for classical and Quantum communications. These activities are aimed at both terrestrial (future 6G systems) and space applications. In the field of radio localization, the group deals with algorithms for both active and passive ultra-wideband positioning systems with wireless power transfer (UWB-RFID), detection and tracking algorithms for terrestrial and non-terrestrial targets (vehicles , people, UAVs), joint communication and radar systems for future 6G networks.

The group is among the founders of the National Laboratory WiLab (

ERC Fields

  • PE7_6 - Communication technology, high-frequency technology
  • PE7_7 - Signal processing
  • PE7_8 - Networks (communication networks, sensor networks, networks of robots...)
  • PE6_11 - Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing
  • PE6_2 - Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems, sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Davide Dardari


Marco Chiani

Full Professor

Davide Dardari

Full Professor

Elia Favarelli

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Andrea Giorgetti

Associate Professor

Anna Guerra

Associate Professor

Enrico Paolini

Associate Professor

Enrico Testi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

PhD Students and Research Fellows

Luca Arcangeloni

Research fellow

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Mattia Fabiani

PhD Student

Caterina Giovannetti

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Muhammad Usman Khan

Research fellow

Lei Li

PhD Student

Elisabetta Matricardi

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Alessandro Mirri

PhD Student

Lorenzo Pucci

Research fellow

Lorenzo Valentini

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Zili Wang

PhD Student