Electronic Design and Measurement for RF and Industrial Applications (EDM)

The laboratory of EDM-Lab Research Group is dedicated to the assembly, test, metrological characterization and performance evaluation of electronic circuits, RF devices/components and integrated sensor nodes under a wide set of operating conditions. Many of the resources (VNAs, signal synthesizers and analyzers, probe-stations) are specific for RF and microwave applications, making the EDM-Lab a fully equipped microwave laboratory. Power and smart sensing (environmental/biomedical/energy) applications at lower frequencies (down to DC) are also dealt with by means of oscilloscopes, PXI systems, sensors, and extreme climatic conditioning. 

ERC Fields 

  • PE7_2 – Electrical and electronic engineering: semiconductors, components, systems 
  • PE7_3 – Simulation engineering and modelling 
  • PE7_4 – Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation 
  • PE7_5 – Micro- and nanoelectronics, optoelectronics 
  • PE7_6 – Communication technology, high-frequency technology
  • PE7_11 – Components and systems for applications (in e.g. medicine, biology, environment)

Scientific coordinators:

Electronics: Prof. Alberto Santarelli

Instrumentation & Measurement: Prof. Pier Andrea Traverso


Alberto Maria Angelotti

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Marco Crescentini

Associate Professor

Corrado Florian

Associate Professor

Gian Piero Gibiino

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Alberto Santarelli

Associate Professor

Pier Andrea Traverso

Associate Professor

PhD Students and Research Fellows

Irene Boccato

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Simone Cangini

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Morena Fabozzi

PhD Student

Nicola Lowenthal

PhD Student

Marcella Lucciardi

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Jingrui Luo

PhD Student

Mattia Mengozzi

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Lorenzo Mistral Peppi

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Roberta Ramilli

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Alessandro Reali

PhD Student

Sana Fatima Syeda

Research fellow

Other people