Optical Systems and Components / Microwave Photonics

The group deals with research, teaching and technology transfer in the area of telecommunications, monitoring and sensing systems and components which are based on the exploitation of the electromagnetic field at optical frequencies. The research activities mainly concern: 

  • Low energy consumption solutions for wireless signal distribution based on the combined use of optical and RF technologies

  • Analysis and Design of passive multi-operator fiber-to-home (FTTH-PON) optical networks

  • Optical fiber systems for radio astronomy applications

  • Optical and electromagnetic techniques for monitoring, sensing and communication in industrial applications

ERC Fields

  • PE2_6 - Electromagnetism 
  • PE7_6 - Communication technology, high-frequency technology 

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Giovanni Tartarini


Jacopo Nanni

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Giovanni Tartarini

Associate Professor

PhD Students and Research Fellows