Power converters and drives for industrial applications and renewable sources

The research activity concerns the optimized design, control, and realization of power converters used independently or as subsystems in variable speed drives, for various industrial applications or those related to the production of energy from renewable sources (photovoltaic, wind power). The power converters under study are of all types (dc-dc, dc-ac, ac-dc, and ac-ac), both traditional and innovative (three-phase, matrix, multi-level, multiphase, back-to-back, dual two-level, resonant and soft-switching converters). The performance optimization is achieved by analyzing the modulation strategies, the power losses, the current ripple, and the quality of the output voltage, depending on the specific application. Among the competencies of the research group there is also the definition of methodologies for power conditioning using active front end converters, such as compensation of pulsating loads, transient disturbances, current harmonics and reactive power. 

Settori ERC 

  • PE7_1 - Control engineering 
  • PE7_2 - Electrical and electronic engineering: semiconductors, components, systems 
  • PE8_6 - Energy systems (production distribution, application) 

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Angelo Tani


Michele Mengoni

Associate Professor

Gabriele Rizzoli

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Angelo Tani

Full Professor

PhD Students and Research Fellows

Gabriele Boico

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Antonio Femia

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Luca Vancini

Adjunct professor

Research fellow

Teaching tutor