Operations Research

Operations Research (a.k.a. Prescriptive Analytics) is strictly related to Artificial Intelligence and studies mathematical models, efficient algorithms and machine learning techniques to develop decision support systems for optimization problems. The research activities of the OR group at DEI (OR@UniBo) involve both the development of methodological approaches and the design of algorithms that are tailored for specific problems.  

The group has a relevant number of collaborations, both at a national and at an international level, involving other universities, research centers, and industries.  

The main techniques that are used are based on mathematical optimization and machine learning techniques, and include exact methods, approximate algorithms and metaheuristics. The most relevant applications of these techniques arise in logistics and vehicle routing, in railway systems, in cutting and packing, in management of energy production and dispatchment, in waste and urban logistics, in telecommunications, and in healthcare management. 

 ERC Fields

  • PE1_19 - Control theory and optimization 
  • PE7_3 - Simulation engineering and modelling 
  • PE1_15 Discrete mathematics and combinatorics 
  • PE1_20 Application of mathematics in sciences 
  • PE1_21 Application of mathematics in industry and society 
  • PE6_7 Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems 

Scientific coordinator: Prof. Daniele Vigo 


Roberto Baldacci

Associate Professor

Valentina Cacchiani

Associate Professor

Alessandro Hill

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Andrea Lodi

Full Professor

Enrico Malaguti

Full Professor

Silvano Martello

Emeritus Professor

Adjunct professor

Michele Monaci

Full Professor

Paolo Paronuzzi

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Paolo Toth

Emeritus Professor

Daniele Vigo

Full Professor

PhD Students and Research Fellows

Andrea Eusebi

PhD Student

Teaching tutor

Antonio Punzo

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Luca Zattoni

PhD Student