Challenges in wireless communication and IoT

Il seminario sarà tenuto da Gianni Borelli, Direttore Tecnico Scientifico, Gruppo Beghelli, nell'ambito del corso "Industrial Trends In Electronics M".

  • Data: 30 marzo 2023 dalle 12:00 alle 13:00

  • Luogo: Aula 5.7, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

About the speaker

Gianni Borelli graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Bologna.

While taking part in the development of railway signaling systems, he enrolled in the University of Bologna, where he graduated with a first-class degree in electronic engineering in February 1990. In March 1990, with Maurizio Carpanelli and Daniele Verdilio founded Becar S.r.l., the Beghelli’s research company. Since its foundation, he has been working as designer and coordinator/supervisor of product design activities and of the development, construction, inspection and installation of electronic equipment.

Among his technical activities are the development of energy saving lighting devices and systems, LED lighting fixtures, photovoltaic devices and systems, high concentration photovoltaic collectors, power conversion electronic devices, short range radio communication devices and systems, electronic sensors and actuators, IoT devices, ultra low power sensors, personal safety devices and security systems.

At present he is Beghelli’s tech and scientific director. He is a member of IEEE since 2003, in particular active member of the Communications Society, Industrial Electronics Society, Power & Energy Society and Power Electronics Society. He is also a member of Italian AEIT, which includes the AIIT society (Associazione Italiana Ingegneri delle Telecomunicazioni). He is member of international standardization groups active in the fields of emergency and ordinary lighting.


Internet of things (IoT) paradigms are based on the continuous pervasive and ubiquitous interaction of devices spread in the living environment. A cardinal element of IoT is the wireless communication between devices. The lecture reviews relevant communication techniques and standards. A few IoT application examples are included. Topics: Internet of Things, Wireless low power radio communication, Digital spread spectrum radios, Wireless standards for IoT, 5G and IoT, Modern SoCs (System on Chip) for the IoT, Lighting systems and IoT, Sensors at home and IoT.