Connecting with Purpose at the Wireless Edge

Il seminario sarà tenuto da Aylin Yener, Roy and Lois Chope Chair Professor, Ohio State University, USA, nell'ambito del corso di "Reliable Data Processing and Storage for Intelligent Systems M".

  • Data: 28 marzo 2025 dalle 11:00 alle 12:00

  • Luogo: Aula 4.2, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

About the speaker

Aylin Yener is the Roy and Lois Chope Chair Professor at The Ohio State University at the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and Integrated Systems Engineering since 2020. Prior to her present post, she was a Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Dean’s Fellow at Penn State where she started as an assistant professor in 2002. Her expertise is in wireless communications, information theory and learning, with recent focus on various pillars of 6G including new advances in physical layer designs, edge learning/computing, system design for confluence of sensing, communications, computing and learning, energy conscious networked systems, and security and privacy. Having worked on wireless communications research extensively, Yener received several technical recognitions including the 2020 IEEE Communication Theory Technical Achievement Award, 2025 IEEE Information Theory Society Joy Thomas Paper Award, 2019 IEEE Communication Society Best Tutorial Paper award and 2014 IEEE Communication Society Marconi Prize Paper Award. She is a fellow of AAAS, the IEEE, AAIA, and is an elected member of The Science Academy of Turkey. Yener is presently on the IEEE board of directors as the director of Division IX. She previously served as the president of the IEEE Information Theory Society. She is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.


6G and beyond systems will continue to rely heavily on ubiquitous wireless connectivity. Different than the generations that came before, next generation systems will need to cater to applications that demand more than just faster rates. The increasingly capable wireless edge consisting of multifunctional devices will aid in the paradigm shift where networked communication occurs to realize, support or improve a functionality in addition to reliably communicating digital messages. Catalyzed by the AI revolution, the next wireless revolution thus promises to bring to life integrated designs fueled by the edge.
This talk will delve into the new paradigm of connecting with purpose, where the wireless edge devices communicate (collectively) to support a goal such as designing a learning system or accomplishing a learning task. The talk will provide a summary of our recent contributions in this paradigm. In particular, we will demonstrate, with relevant theory and applications to use cases, the design of semantic networks and task-oriented communications, and wireless edge networks that improve distributed AI. We will conclude with future directions in connecting with purpose that promises to deliver the next wireless revolution.