Multimodal and multicentric data integration for studying psychiatric disorders

Il seminario sarà tenuto da Eleonora Maggioni, Ricercatrice al Politecnico di Milano, nell’ambito dell’insegnamento "Computational Neuroimaging" e in collaborazione con l’IEEE Student Branch

  • Data: 02 dicembre 2024 dalle 11:00 alle 13:00

  • Luogo: LIB-M, via dell'Università 50, Cesena

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

Eleonora Maggioni

About the speaker

Eleonora Maggioni is Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano and research collaborator in the Dept. of Mental Health of the Fondazione Policlinico of Milan, Italy. Her research focuses on the development of methods for integrating neuroimaging, electrophysiological, and neuromodulation techniques -mainly MRI, EEG, ECG, NIRS, TMS, and VR- in the study of mental illnesses. With an H-index of 19, she is author of more than 50 peer-reviewed publications on international journals. She is coordinating research projects aiming at providing innovative digital solutions for studying the neural bases of complex emotions and for supporting diagnosis and clinical decisions in affective and psychotic disorders.


Recent technological advancements in the neuroscientific field have created unique opportunities for increasing our knowledge of the human brain. The complex search for quantitative biomarkers of mental illnesses can benefit from the use of neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques and even more from their combination, as well as from the integration of data shared across multiple centers. This talk will explore the domains of multimodal and multicenter integration that are more relevant in the study of the neural bases of affective and psychotic disorders. The principles, advantages, and challenges of the main neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques and of the relative integration approaches will be discussed, focusing on current and potential applications in psychiatric research.

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