Plant Modeling of Driveline Components: How and why to develop a plant model in Simulink

Il seminario sarà tenuto dall'ing. Gabriele Morandi, Control Development and Software Validation Manager, CNH Industrial, nell'ambito del corso "Ground Vehicle Dynamics"

  • Data: 07 dicembre 2021 dalle 14:00 alle 15:00

  • Luogo: Aula 2.2, viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna e online su Teams

  • Modalità d'accesso: Ingresso libero

About the speaker

Gabriele Morandi, Control Development and Software Validation Manager, Driveline Hydraulics & Electronics Department.

Born in Modena in 1984, after the classical license he attended the course of Electronic Engineering at the Enzo Ferrari engineering department of the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, obtaining the bachelor degree and subsequently the master degree (cum laudae) with the thesis “Power-Oriented Graph modeling of physical systems: dynamic analysis and minimal form reduction”. He began working with CNH Industrial in 2010 with a research grant contract on transmission modeling, and was hired at CNH Industrial in 2011 with subsequent roles of Test Engineer, Control Tuning Expert and Control Developer. Since 2019 he is the head of the European driveline team for control development and software validation. In his career he has carried out and coordinated many research and development activities, becoming co-supervisor of 13 theses, co-author of 2 papers, and co-inventor of 12 patents filed.

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