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Ulteriori pubblicazioni e contributi prodotti dal DEI negli ultimi due anni
E. MESINI, C.A. NUCCI, Lo sviluppo nel dopoguerra dell’Ingegneria all’Università di Bologna: maestri e futuro, Bologna, Bologna University Press, 2023, pp. 116 . [Curatela]
Gianluca Palli, Claudio Melchiorri, Roberto Meattini, Human-Friendly Robotics 2021, Berlin, Springer Cham, 2022, pp. 138 (SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN ADVANCED ROBOTICS). [Curatela]
Ahluwalia Arti, De Maria Carmelo, Pecchia Leandro, Severi Stefano, Biomedical engineering for sustainable development, Bologna, PATRON, 2022, pp. 288 (Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria). [Curatela]
Greco S, Pavone M.F., Talbi E.-G., Vigo D., Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization, Berlin, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021, pp. 60 (ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND COMPUTING). [Curatela]
Enrico Al Mureden; Riccardo Rovatti, Gli assegni di mantenimento tra disciplina legale e intelligenza artificiale, Torino, Giappichelli, 2020, pp. 433 . [Curatela]
Ronald A. Beghetto; Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, Dynamic Perspectives on Creativity: New Directions for Theory, Research, and Practice in Education, Cham, Springer, 2019, pp. 324 . [Curatela]
Corazza, Giovanni Emanuele; Agnoli, Sergio, Multidisciplinary contributions to the science of creative thinking, Singapore, Springer Science+Business Media 2016, 2015, pp. 348 . [Curatela]
Romano Zannoli;Ivan Corazza;Rita Stagni (a cura di): AA.VV., Proceedings of ICMMB2014, Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Univ. di Bologna, 2014, pp. 460 . [Curatela]
Toth, Paolo; Vigo, Daniele (a cura di): Paolo Toth, Daniele Vigo ed altri, Vehicle Routing: Problems, Methods, and Applications, Philadelphia, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014, pp. 463 (MOS-SIAM SERIES ON OPTIMIZATION). [Curatela]
Maschke B; Melchiorri C.; van der Schaft A.J., Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control, LAXENBURG, IFAC, 2012, pp. 296 . [Curatela]
A.Leardini; R. Stagni, XII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement - Book of Abstracts, BOLOGNA, s.n., 2012, pp. 284 (AMS ACTA). [Curatela]
L. Marconi; K. Schalcher, Proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, KIDLINGTON,OXFORD, elsevier Ltd, 2010, pp. 86 . [Curatela]
C. Metra, Journal of Electronic Testing, BOSTON/NORWELL, C. Metra, 2010, pp. 1 (Special Issue on the IEEE European Test Symposium 2009). [Curatela]
A. Lodi; M. Milano; P. Toth, Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 7th International Conference, CPAIOR 2010, HEIDELBERG, Springer Verlag, 2010, pp. 371 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6140). [Curatela]
M. Tartagni (a cura di): M. BELLEVILLE, H. FANET, P. FIORINI, P. NICOLE, M. J. M. PELGROM, C. PIGUET, R. HAHN, C. VANHOOF , R. VULLERS, E. CANTATORE, M. TARTAGNI, Energy Autonomous Systems: Future Trends in Devices, Technology, and Systems, LEUVEN, CATRENE, 2009, pp. 84 . [Curatela]
V. DUINDAM; A. MACCHELLI; S. STRAMIGIOLI; H. BRUYNINCKX, Modeling and Control of Complex Physical Systems. The Port-Hamiltonian Approach, BERLIN, Springer Verlag, 2009, pp. 430 . [Curatela]
M. Abadir; C. Metra, Proceedings of IEEE 27th VLSI Test Symposium, LOS ALAMITOS, M. Abadir, C. Metra, 2009, pp. 1 . [Curatela]
A. Lodi; A. Panconesi; G. Rinaldi, Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimzation, BERLIN, Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp. 475 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). [Curatela]
A. Orailoglu; P. Maxwell; C. Metra, Proceedings of IEEE 26th VLSI Test Symposium, LOS ALAMITOS, IEEE, 2008, pp. 438 . [Curatela]
G. Baccarani; F. Lombardi; C. Metra; A. DeHon, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Design and Test of Nano Devices, Circuits and Systems, LOS ALAMITOS, IEEE, 2008, pp. 91 . [Curatela]