Tutte le pubblicazioni
Tutte le pubblicazioni prodotte da docenti e ricercatori del DEI dal 2004 ad oggi
L. Martini; R. Berti; M. Bocchi; M. de Nigris; A. Morandi; L. Trevisani; P.L. Ribani, Progettazione e analisi LCA di trasformatori superconduttivi, «AEIT», 2008, 5, pp. 38 - 47 [Articolo in rivista]
A. Jalabert; S. Murali; L. Benini; G. De Micheli, xpipesCompiler: A Tool for Instantiating Application-Specific Networks on Chip, in: Design, Automation, and Test in EuropeThe Most Influential Papers of 10 Years Date, Part II, S.L., Springer Netherlands, 2008, pp. 157 - 171 (Engineering) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Y.H. Lu; E.Y. Chung; T. Šimunic; L. Benini; G. De Micheli, Quantitative Comparison of Power Management Algorithms, in: Design, Automation, and Test in EuropeThe Most Influential Papers of 10 Years Date, Part III, S.L., Springer Netherlands, 2008, pp. 207 - 219 (Engineering) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
L. Benini; G. De Micheli; E. Macii; D. Sciuto; C. Silvano, Address Bus Encoding Techniques for System-Level Power Optimization, in: Design, Automation, and Test in EuropeThe Most Influential Papers of 10 Years Date, Part IV, S.L., Springer Netherlands, 2008, pp. 275 - 289 (Engineering) [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Dondi D. ; Bertacchini A. ; Larcher L. ; Pavan P. ; Brunelli D. ; Benini L., A solar energy harvesting circuit for low power applications, in: Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008. ICSET 2008. IEEE International Conference on, s.l, IEEE Press, 2008, pp. 945 - 949 (atti di: IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2008. ICSET 2008, Singapore, 24-27 Nov. 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
E. Paolini; M. Chiani; M. Fossorier, On Design of Irregular GLDPC Codes with Low Error Floor Over the BEC, in: Proc. of 2008 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications, ISITA 2008, TOKYO, SITA, 2008, pp. 1532 - 1537 (atti di: 2008 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications, ISITA 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
S. Severi; E. Mancini; E. Grandi; C. Pes; F. Grandi; D. Steckiph; A. Santoro, Effects of Ca2+ and K+ Changes During Hemodialysis on Ventricular Repolarization Duration: in vivo and in silico Analysis., in: null, «NDT PLUS», 2008, 1, pp. ii27 - ii27 (atti di: XXXXV Congr. ERA-EDTA, Lund, Sweden, 10-13 May, 2008) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
S. Severi; E. Grandi; E. Mancini; C. Pes; F. Grandi; D. Steckiph; A. Santoro, QT interval prolongation during haemodialysis (HD): in vivo and in silico analysis of the role of Ca2+ and K+ changes., in: null, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY», 2008, 19, pp. 588A - 588A (atti di: ASN's 41th Annual Renal Week Meeting, Philadephia, USA, 4-9 Nov, 2008) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
S. Severi; C. Corsi; M. Rocchetti; A. Zaza, Model-based analysis of the b-adrenergic modulation of IKs in the guinea-pig ventricle, in: null, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY», 2008, 44 (4), pp. 799 - 799 (atti di: XXVIII European Section Meeting of the International Society for Heart Research, Athens, Greece,, 28-31 May, 2008.) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
E. Luppi; R. Primiani; C. Raffaelli; D. Tibaldi; A.M. Violi, NET4VOICE - NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR VOICE-CONVERTING IN BARRIER-FREE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE LEARNING METHODOLOGIES, EXPERIMENT AND RESULTS, in: ICERI 2008 Abstracts cd, VALENCIA, IATED, 2008, pp. 829 - 829 (atti di: ICERI 2008 - International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, 17-19 novembre 2008) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
F. Bellina; M. Breschi; P. L. Ribani, Modellazione elettromagnetica delle prove di qualificazione dei cavi superconduttori per ITER, in: ET2008: memorie, PAVIA, P. Di Barba, 2008, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: XXIV Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori di Elettrotecnica, Pavia, 19-21 Giugno 2008) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
S. Ciacci; S. Fantozzi; F. Merni., Kinematic analysis of sprint running for injury prevention: A case study, in: Gait & Posture, «GAIT & POSTURE», 2008, 28, Supplement 1, pp. 15 - 15 (atti di: VIII Congresso Nazionale Siamoc Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, Cuneo (Italy), 24-27/10/2007) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
O'Neill A.; Agaiby R.; Olsen S.; Yang Y.; Hellstrom; P. -E.; Ostling M.; Oehme M.; Lyutovich K.; Kasper E.; Eneman G.; Verheyen P.; Loo R.; Claeys C.; Fiegna C.; Sangiorgi E., Reduced self-heating by strained silicon substrate engineering, «APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE», 2008, 254, pp. 6182 - 6185 [Articolo in rivista]
Bragalli C.; D'Ambrosio C.; Lee J.; Lodi A.; Toth P., Water network design by MINLP, NEW YORK, IBM Reserach, 2008, pp. 18 . [Monografia/Trattato scientifico in forma di libro]
G. Paci; A. Nackaerts; F. Catthoor; L. Benini; P. Marchal, How to Live with Uncertainties: Exploiting the Performance Benefits of Self-Timed Logic In Synchronous Design, in: Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, 2008. DSD '08. 11th EUROMICRO Conference on, New York, IEEE Press, 2008, pp. 550 - 557 (atti di: 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, 2008. DSD '08., Parma, Italy, 03-05 September 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
F. Garzia; C. Brunelli; D. Rossi; J. Nurmi, Implementation of a floating-point matrix-vector multiplication on a reconfigurable architecture, in: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 2008. IPDPS 2008., s.l, IEEE, 2008, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, 2008. IPDPS 2008., Miami, Florida, U.S.A., 14-18 April 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
C. Brunelli; F. Campi; C. Mucci; D. Rossi; T. Ahonen; J. Kylliäinen; F. Garzia; J. Nurmi, Design space exploration of an open-source, IP-reusable, scalable floating-point engine for embedded applications, «JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE», 2008, 54, pp. 1143 - 1154 [Articolo in rivista]
L. Chiari; A. Cappello, Microsistemi indossabili per l’Ambient Assisted Living, in: Sistemi indossabili intelligenti per la salute e la protezione dell’uomo, BOLOGNA, Patron, 2008, pp. 343 - 355 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
V. Rizzoli; D. Masotti, Lezioni di sistemi d'antenna - Volume primo, BOLOGNA, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2008, pp. 252 . [Monografia/Trattato scientifico in forma di libro]
F. Veronesi; C. Corsi; L. Sugeng; E.G. Caiani; L. Weinert; V. Mor-Avi; S. Cerutti; C. Lamberti; R.M. Lang, Quantification of Mitral Apparatus Dynamics in Functional and Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Using Real-Time 3D Echocardiography, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY», 2008, 21, pp. 347 - 354 [Articolo in rivista]